News Iris Mauss

(1 - 16 von 17

Feeling bad about feeling down is good for your mental health: study...
By allowing yourself to process and accept your sadness and anger, you'll feel better in the long run, researchers say.

How air travel can turn even mild people into madmen - HT Health
“Sleep deprivation can play a really important role in making people act much more emotional,” said Iris Mauss, a psychology professor at the ...

Making sense of the science behind emotions - The Globe and Mail
The study of emotions was once considered the ultimate “soft” science, but now it is among the hottest areas of academics.

New study sheds light on ‘dark side of happiness’ - The Boston Globe
The “pursuit of happiness’’ has been something Americans have valued ever since the Founding Fathers inserted it into the Declaration of...

Accettare la tristezza rende felici. Uno studio americano lo dimostra...
Chi ha detto che per vivere bene bisogna essere felici? La felicità non dovrebbe essere l'unica ragione per cui ci dovremmo sentire vivi, a scriverlo è Zach...

Guardian: The more you pursue happiness, the faster it runs from you | Zach...

Research shows that focusing on the attainment of happiness is actually self-defeating

Feeling bad about feeling bad can make you feel worse
fewer negative emotions, which adds up to better psychological health," said study senior author Iris Mauss, an associate professor of psychology at UC Berkeley. At this point, researchers can only speculate on why accepting ...

Warum du deine schlechte einfach genießen solltest - WELT
Manchmal haben wir den Eindruck, jeder sei die ganze Zeit glücklich. Miesepeter haben da keinen Platz. US-Forscher haben nun die Folgen des ungeschriebenen...

Glück in den USA - eine verzweifelte Suche - SZ Magazin
Schon in der amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitserklärung war die Rede vom »Streben nach Glück« - dabei macht genau dieser Zwang, glücklich sein zu müssen, die...

Psychologie: Psychologie: Schlecht gelaunt? Genießen Sie es! |...
Schlechte Laune hat jeder mal. Wer damit professionell umgehen möchte, fängt an, diesen Zustand nicht nur zu ertragen, sondern zu genießen. Das zumindest raten...

Is there such a thing as being too cheerful? - HT Health
According to psychologist Iris Mauss, the more someone pursues happiness, the more he or she will probably end up feeling disappointed.

Four Ways Happiness Can Hurt You, by June Gruber
Along with my colleagues Iris Mauss and Maya Tamir, I have reviewed the emerging scientific research on the dark side of happiness, and we ...

Psychologie: Wer sich schlecht fühlt, weil er sich schlecht fühlt,...
Wie wir mit negativen Emotionen umgehen, beeinflusst unsere Zufriedenheit. Das zeigt eine Studie amerikanischer Forscher.

Positive Emotion and Psychopathology Lab - Director Dr. June Gruber
We have an outstanding line-up of leaders in the field this year, including: Dacher Keltner, Charles Carver, Jeanne Tsai, Robert Levenson, Iris Mauss, Jamil Zaki ...

Trump’s proposed cuts to research funding would hit Bay Area hard -...
Researchers and university leaders in the Bay Area, one of the nation’s premier hubs of scientific and medical research, are reeling in the wake of President...

Positive Neuroscience ~ News
Kateri McRae and Iris Mauss, Assistant Professors of Psychology at the ,000 to Kateri McRae and Iris Mauss from the University of Denver ...