Harren Jhoti Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harren Jhoti)


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Astex President Awarded Prous Institute-Overton and Meyer Award for...

I am honored to be bestowed this award by the Executive Committee of the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry said Dr Jhoti

Wiley-VCH - Zeitschriften | Zeitschriften von A bis Z | ChemMedChem |...

ChemMedChem is a new, top journal for research at the interface of chemistry, biology and medicine. It is a sister journal of Angewandte Chemie and published...

Astex determines structure of key drug metabolising enzyme - human...

Astex determines structure of key drug metabolising enzyme - human cytochrome P450 3A4 Astex Technology, a structure-based drug discovery company, announced tha
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