Paula Jofre Pfeil Person-Info 

( Ich bin Paula Jofre Pfeil)


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Recurren a 'gemelos estelares' para medir los límites de la galaxia
Astrónomos de la Universidad de Cambridge han desarrol… un nuevo método para medir con alta precisión...

New technology to efficiently measure galaxy's size - Yahoo News India
"Determining distances is a key problem in astronomy because unless we know how far away a star or group of stars is, it is impossible to know the size of the galaxy or understand how it formed and evolved," explained Dr Paula Jofre Pfeil from Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy. and the paper's lead ...

New technology to efficiently measure galaxy's size - FacenFacts
Astronomers from University of Cambridge have developed a new, highly accurate method of measuring distances between stars. The team developed a nove

Using stellar 'twins' to reach the outer limits of the galaxy
— Paula Jofre Pfeil. Astronomers from the University of Cambridge have developed a new, highly accurate method of measuring the distances ... › news › usi...
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