John Sculley und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Sculley)
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Google News: Polaroid and Apple: Innovation Through Mental Invention

[Fast Company] - Apple CEO John Sculley sat to the side and watched. Sculley later wrote in his autobiography that neither Jobs nor Land looked at each other as they spoke about their dreams and inventions, but stared at something between them in the center of the

Google News: 海盗船长乔布斯:员工和伙伴都可以背叛(组图)

[新浪网] - 就像约翰·斯高利(John Sculley, 年任苹果CEO,其任内将乔布斯逐出苹果)说的那样:“我认为任何人都管不了苹果,它有点像意大利,充满着创造力,也充满了混乱。”而苹果文化的缔造者和混乱的源头是谁,不言而喻

Hirai Anointed Sony's Top 'Musketeer' as Stringer Prepares for Succession
[Bloomberg] - Under Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka, who co-founded Sony in 1946, the company created Japan's first transistor radio and the world's first compact disc player. Morita's admirers included Apple founder Steve Jobs, according to John Sculley, former CEO of

Google News: Trouwste Apple-medewerker begon al op zijn veertiende

[Bright] - Jobs (die ervoor koos om werknemer nummer nul te zijn) werd twee jaar eerder ontslagen door John Sculley en keerde pas in terug als iCEO. De Apple-medewerker met de meeste dienstjaren is daarom Chris Espinosa, zo meldt Electric Pig.