News John Sculley

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Google News: Raleigh Telegram, RTP-TV Newsroom Celebrate 10th Anniversary

[The Raleigh Telegram] U2, Michael Dell, David Brinkley, Stuart Scott, Sydney Lowe, Wood Durham, Phil Ford, the Grateful Dead, Chuck D, Clay Aiken, Anderson Cooper, John Sculley, Axle Rose, Senator John Edwards, Senator Richard Burr, David Robinson, Dean Smith, and more.

Google News: Polaroid and Apple: Innovation Through Mental Invention

[Fast Company] - Apple CEO John Sculley sat to the side and watched. Sculley later wrote in his autobiography that neither Jobs nor Land looked at each other as they spoke about their dreams and inventions, but stared at something between them in the center of the

Google News: La visión del iPad en los 90

[Gizmos] - Mientras el primero de los vídeos muestra como veía ya Apple la idea del iPad en 1995, meintras que el segundo, se refiere a 1987, con la primera visión de una tableta y como se imaginaba por aquel entonces que seía John Sculley.

Google News: Autorius:

[] - Steve ir jo misiją palaikė Apple vykdantysis direktorius John Sculley, kurį jis siekdamas, kad šis padėtų jam valdyti kompaniją, metais pats ir pasamdė. Su didžiausiom fanfarom metų sausį Steve Jobs pristatė Macintosh modelį.

En Uzun Süre Apple'da Kalan Çalışan!
[Haberler] - Jobs 1985'de John Sculley tarafından işten çıkartılmış, NeXT Computer'ın satın alınmasıyla 1996'da geri dönmüştü. Espinosa ise şirkette 35 yılını harcamış. Steve Wozniak ise şirketteki etkin görevinden 1987'de ayrılmıştı. Espinosa'nın çalışan numarası

Digitales: Zehn Jahre Betriebssystem Mac OS X
[Echo-online] - Doch nach dem Rauswurf von Steve Jobs fokussierte sich der damalige Apple-Chef John Sculley vergeblich darauf, Microsoft mit juristischen Mitteln daran zu hindern, das Macintosh-System mit Windows zu kopieren. Als Apple kurz vor einer

Google News: 海盗船长乔布斯:员工和伙伴都可以背叛(组图)

[新浪网] - 就像约翰·斯高利(John Sculley, 年任苹果CEO,其任内将乔布斯逐出苹果)说的那样:“我认为任何人都管不了苹果,它有点像意大利,充满着创造力,也充满了混乱。”而苹果文化的缔造者和混乱的源头是谁,不言而喻

Hirai Anointed Sony's Top 'Musketeer' as Stringer Prepares for Succession
[Bloomberg] - Under Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka, who co-founded Sony in 1946, the company created Japan's first transistor radio and the world's first compact disc player. Morita's admirers included Apple founder Steve Jobs, according to John Sculley, former CEO of

10 неща, които може би не знаете за Стийв Джобс
[digital] - Убедил президента на Pepsi да започне работа в Apple Джобс убедил John Sculley да стане CEO в Apple с думите: „Нима искаш да продаваш подсладена вода през целия си живот, вместо да промениш света?” Като CEO на Apple получава 'само' $ 1 годишна заплата

Google News: Trouwste Apple-medewerker begon al op zijn veertiende

[Bright] - Jobs (die ervoor koos om werknemer nummer nul te zijn) werd twee jaar eerder ontslagen door John Sculley en keerde pas in terug als iCEO. De Apple-medewerker met de meeste dienstjaren is daarom Chris Espinosa, zo meldt Electric Pig.

Google News: Apple CEO Steve Jobs incomplete without Jonathan Ive

[International Business Times] - Steve Jobs convinced former Apple CEO John Sculley to leave Pepsi by asking Sculley as to whether he wanted to "sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?" The same imperative wouldn't have worked with Ive.

Steve Jobs hakkında herkesin bilmediği 15 gerçek
[Ekonomik Ayrıntı] - John Sculley'i Apple CEO'luğuna ikna etmek için şu sözleri söylemişti: "Tüm hayatın boyunca şekerli su mu satmak, yoksa dünyayı değiştirmek mi istiyorsun?" 13. Jobs'un maaşı: Apple CEO'su olarak yılda sadece 1 dolar alıyor!

Google News: Who is the Longest-Serving Apple Employee?

[PCWorld] - While Steve Jobs has only 24 years under his belt at Apple, having been sacked in by John Sculley only to return in when the company bought NeXT Computer, Espinosa can boast 35 years. Steve Wozniak, though he still receives a paycheck from

Google News: Las acciones de Apple tienen recorrido, con o sin Steve Jobs

[] - Sus diferencias con John Sculley, un consejero delegado con un marcado carácter financiero, fueron los motivos de su salida. La gestión de Sculley no despertó mayor interés en la bolsa, pero la vuelta de Jobs marcó el inicio de una época triunfal.

A sorpresa compare Steve Jobs e ruba la scena alla sua creatura
[il Giornale] - Il primo, John Sculley, non aveva idee completamente sbagliate, tanto che predisse che un giorno sarebbe arrivata una cosa che non sapeva ancora sarebbe poi diventata internet. Ma siccome pensava pure che in un ventennio i russi avrebbero conquistato

Apple, ¿una manzana todavía tentadora para invertir?
[Emprendedores News (Comunicado de prensa)] - En Mike Markkula dimitió de la dirección de Apple y el puesto de presidente se propuso a John Sculley, entonces vicepresidente de Pepsi. En un primer momento rechazó la oferta. Para convencerlo Steve Jobs le planteó la siguiente pregunta:

Google News: Cult of Mac Has Been Hit By Google's War On Content Farms

[Cult of Mac] out to trick search engine algorithms. we're a one-stop news shop for the apple community. everything we produce is 100% original content – and of the highest quality we're capable of. remember last year's exclusive interview with John Sculley?

La salud de Steve Jobs, líder de Apple, preocupa
[] - En 1985, cuando fue sacado de la compañía por John Sculley -quien llegó a director general de Apple asignado por el propio Jobs-, la empresa empezó una época de traspiés, uno de ellos el haber licenciado a Microsoft partes de la interfaz gráfica

Gamasutra Comments Of The Week: Zelda, 'Gamers' And The Profit Motive
[Gamasutra] - This is the mindset by which Apple replaced Steve Jobs with Pepsi CEO John Sculley -- remind me again how that worked out? Entertainment requires making things that people will enjoy. The fact that this is not merely a business function is demonstrated

Steve Jobs cumple 56 años
[Europa Press] - En 1983, el hasta entonces presidente de Pepsi John Sculley tomó las riendas de Apple a petición del joven Jobs. Lamentablemente, una vez en la compañía, las opiniones enfrentadas entre el co-fundador de Apple, Sculley y la junta directiva hicieron que

Buon Compleanno Steve Jobs…
[Tecnozoom] Steve Wozniak ebbe un incidente stradale abbastanza grave e sceglie di lasciare Apple per vivere una vita diversamente, costringendo Steve Jobs a coinvolgere il presidente della Pepsi John Sculley ad unirsi a lui alla guida di Apple Computer.

Google News: En attendant socrate

[] - Il est mis à la porte d'Apple par le patron d'Apple, John Sculley, qu'il avait débauché deux ans auparavant de Pepsi Cola avec l'argument massue : « Vous comptez vendre de l'eau sucrée toute votre vie ou vous voulez changer le monde avec moi ? ». kurz & knapp: SoulCalibur für iOS, John Sculley zum Jobs-Abgang |...

Namco Bandai bringt einen Konsolenklassiker auf iPhone und iPad +++ Ex-Apple-Chef John Sculley im BBC-Interview +++ 3D-Schnittstelle für das iPhone als...

Apple - später Triumph von iSteve - manager magazin
Bald entscheidet sich, ob Michael Dell sein nach ihm benanntes Unternehmen von der Börse nehmen kann. Es ist nicht der erste Rückkauf der...

Ex-Apple boss Sculley sets record straight on Jobs - BBC News
The ex-Apple chief executive discusses the portrayal of his clash with Steve Job’s in the late co-founder’s biography and why he has invested over $1m in a new...