John Sculley und Pepsi Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Sculley)
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10 неща, които може би не знаете за Стийв Джобс
[digital] - Убедил президента на Pepsi да започне работа в Apple Джобс убедил John Sculley да стане CEO в Apple с думите: „Нима искаш да продаваш подсладена вода през целия си живот, вместо да промениш света?” Като CEO на Apple получава 'само' $ 1 годишна заплата

Google News: Apple CEO Steve Jobs incomplete without Jonathan Ive

[International Business Times] - Steve Jobs convinced former Apple CEO John Sculley to leave Pepsi by asking Sculley as to whether he wanted to "sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?" The same imperative wouldn't have worked with Ive.

Apple, ¿una manzana todavía tentadora para invertir?
[Emprendedores News (Comunicado de prensa)] - En Mike Markkula dimitió de la dirección de Apple y el puesto de presidente se propuso a John Sculley, entonces vicepresidente de Pepsi. En un primer momento rechazó la oferta. Para convencerlo Steve Jobs le planteó la siguiente pregunta:

Gamasutra Comments Of The Week: Zelda, 'Gamers' And The Profit Motive
[Gamasutra] - This is the mindset by which Apple replaced Steve Jobs with Pepsi CEO John Sculley -- remind me again how that worked out? Entertainment requires making things that people will enjoy. The fact that this is not merely a business function is demonstrated