News Jonas Wätzel

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Wirbel aus Licht treiben Elektronen an
Jonas Wätzel and Jamal Berakdar: Centrifugal photovoltaic and photogalvanic effects driven by structured light. Sci. Rep. 6, ; DOI: srep (2016).

Light swirls provide insights into the quantum world
· Jonas Wätzel from the Institute of Physics at MLU, who is a member of the research group led by Professor Jamal Berakdar. "In atoms, the spatial ...

Light swirls provide insights into the quantum world
A new method uses swirls of light to observe previously invisible quantum states of electrons.

DFG fördert Entwicklung permanenter Datenspeicherzellen innovativer...
Im Rahmen seiner Doktorarbeit, die in die Publikation in "Scientific Reports" mündete, konnte Jonas Wätzel zeigen, wie Leiterbahnen an ringförmige ...

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Press release Light swirls provide insights into the quantum world - News - Comunicazione Photoelectric effect with a twist Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles...

Spektroskopie mit verdrehtem Licht |
· „Die Quantenwelt bleibt dabei unsichtbar“, sagt Jonas Wätzel vom Institut für Physik der MLU, der in der Arbeitsgruppe von Jamal Berakdar ...

The Toroidization of Quantum Matter - Advanced Science › the-toroidization-...
· Jonas Wätzel and Professor Jamal Berakdar of Martin-Luther University Halle- Wittenberg, Germany, go a step further and show how to trigger ...

The Swift Phase Generator: A Novel Approach for Ultrafast Quantum › the-swift-phase-g...
· Interestingly, a pure change of the quantum phase can be brought about by an external vector potential. Jonas Wätzel and Jamal Berakdar report ...