Hoo Ke Ping Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hoo Ke Ping)


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Different targets, different countries - The challenge of stopping Islamic ...

This is the view of political economist Dr Hoo Ke Ping, one of the foremost experts on the Asian Financial Crisis and the Chinese economy.

'Polls rezoning will benefit rakyat' claim | Daily Express Newspaper ...

Political analyst Prof Dr Hoo Ke Ping said if the delineation of electoral boundaries was not done, there would be constituencies with more than ...

Govt urged against bailing out MAS - Worldnews.com

WASTING PUBLIC FUNDS: Privatisation a better option, says expert KUALA LUMPUR: ECONOMISTS said yesterday the government should not bail out Malaysia Airlines,...

OPINION-ECONOMY: MALAYSIA – Mythbusting in Malaysia By Professor Dr....

According to the World Bank's September report on Malaysia, less than 1 percent of Malaysian households are currently living.
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Vorname "Hoo" (25)
Name "Ke Ping" (1)
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