Anna Kearney-Schwartz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anna Kearney-Schwartz)


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History of Changes for Study: NCT
Central Contact Backup: Anna KEARNEY SCHWARTZ, MD Telephone: + Study Officials: Georges WERYHA, ...

Anna Schwartz | The Times
The Anna in question was Anna Schwartz, who, with Friedman, published in a 900-page learned article, “Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960”, sometimes described as “the War and Peace of monetary theory”, that turned conventional understanding of the causes of the Great ...

Advice from Economist Anna Schwartz, Who Saw TIME
Anna Schwartz says President Obama needs to let busted companies fail, stop messing with health care and contain America's debt

Anna Schwartz
Anna Schwartz, the economist, who has died aged 96, collaborated with Milton Friedman on a classic study of the Great Depression that has had a direct impact...
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