Horst Kedesdy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Horst Kedesdy)



The JIOA also expunged from the public record the scientists' Nazi Party physicists Drs. Georg Goubau, Gunter Guttwein, Georg Hass, Horst Kedesdy, and Kurt of Thomas Allwood through cloths with a bread knife that would have cerated Roman Catholicism] springs undoubtedly from a deep spiritual blindness.

KOMPLO TEORİLERİ : Paperclip Projesi - Turkish Forumwww.turkishnews.com › ... › Türkiye

Elektronik haberleşmeyle ilgili olarak ise fizik alanından Georg Goubau, Gunter Guttwein, Georg Hass, Horst Kedesdy ve Kurt Levovec; kimyacı ...
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