News Khaled Abdel Hakim

(1 - 9 von 10
) Ägypten: Vier linke Parteien schließen sich in Ägypten zu Bündnis zusammen

[ZEIT ONLINE] - Die Parteien gaben den Zusammenschluss zur Nasser-Partei am 42. Todestag des früheren ägyptischen Präsidenten Gamal Abdel Nasser bekannt. Laut der Erklärung, die am Grab des verstorbenen Politikers von seinem Sohn Abdel Hakim verlesen wurde

Lebanon, neighbors brace for Ahmadinejad visit
[Los Angeles Times] - "Ahmadinejad's visit is a symbolic show of support given the vitriolic attacks on the resistance," said Abdel Hakim Fadlallah, head of the Consultative

Une femme en niqab exclue du tribunal
[Europe1] - D'autant que les deux prévenus étaient soutenus par Abdel-Hakim Sefrioui, président du collectif radical pro-palestinien Cheikh Yacine.

Nostalgia per l'Egitto di Nasser
[Medarabnews] - In ogni caso il figlio più giovane di Nasser, Abdel Hakim, ospite di recente in un programma televisivo, ha smentito simili insinuazioni, sottolineando che

Google News: Islamic movements: the Jammat-e-Islami in India – an interview with Ejaz Ahmed ...

[] - Subsequently he lectured in English Literature at the C. Abdel-Hakim College in Melvisharam, Tamil Nadu state. Aslam joined the Jammat-e-Islami Hind (JIH)

Remembering a great leader
[Arab American News] - Abdel-Nasser disagreed with recommendations from military commander Abdel Hakim Amer and Syrian Prime Minister Amin Al-Hafiz that Egypt should launch a

Guardian: Nostalgia for Egypt's Nasser

[The Guardian] - But Nasser's youngest son, Abdel Hakim, speaking recently on a talkshow, dismissed such allegations, pointing out that many parties, both local and

Italy to repatriate 40 Egyptians
[News24] - Mohamed Abdel-Hakim, the assistant foreign minister responsible for Egyptians abroad, said that Italian authorities arrested the Egyptian nationals after

Why is it So Hard to Believe that Nasser Died Naturally?
[Asharq Alawsat] - Nasser's administrative methods were based upon favouritism, and so he first authorized Abdel Hakim Amer – a high-ranking Egyptian military officer – who