Topic Kmailer-Review Person-Info 

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phpBB • Image Not Resized Under Topic Review/Preview - ReIMG Image...
However, the images arent resized under topic review and preview on posting page (posting.php). I checked the code and looks like there is no class="reimg" ...

Valve to remove off-topic review bombs from Steam scores | Shacknews
Valve is addressing the review bomb issue on Steam by removing off-topic review from the overall score.

Topic Review: Heating in a low-carbon future
SCI Energy group’s first major conference, Heating in a Low-Carbon Future, will be held at SCI HQ on 28 February Here, members of the group talk about...

Off-Topic 'Review Bombs' No Longer Affect Game Scores on Steam -...
Valve now has a team that will investigate review bombs and remove them from a score's calculations.
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