Annette Koß-Baltruschat Person-Info 

( Ich bin Annette Koß-Baltruschat)


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Postal carriers guilty of deserting the mail | The Seattle Times
— said Annette Koss, the postmaster in Howell, 50 miles northwest of Detroit. A former carrier there, Jill Hull, pleaded guilty Tuesday to ... › post...

Michigan Postal Worker Hoarded Thousands of Pieces of Mail Instead of...
— said Annette Koss, the postmaster in Howell, 50 miles northwest of Detroit. "We just didn't understand it. It's such a stupid thing to do.". › story

Postal carriers who hoard mail are being prosecuted - The Boston Globe
said Annette Koss, the postmaster in Howell, 50 miles northwest of Detroit. A former carrier there, Jill Hull, pleaded guilty yesterday to deserting the mail, a misdemeanor. The part-time, fill-in carrier had kept thousands of pieces of unopened mail, including 988 first-class letters, in a self-storage unit that ...

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Annette Koss
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Name "Koß-Baltruschat" (1)
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