News Konstantin Ottnad

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EMMI Workshop "Meson and Hyperon Interactions with Nuclei" ( GSI Indico
Speaker. Konstantin Ottnad. Presentation Materials. talk_Ottnad.pdf. Indico. Powered by Indico v Help · Contact · Terms and conditions · Legal notice Speaker. Konstantin Ottnad. Presentation Materials. talk_Ottnad.pdf. Indico. Powered by Indico v Help · Contact · Terms and conditions · Legal notice

ETMC meeting (October 2011)Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
... Konstantin Ottnad. 15:30 Refined estimate of lambda_ms with 2+1+1 - Konstantin Petrov. 16:00 Overlap Valence Quarks on a Twisted Mass sea - an update Konstantin Ottnad. 15:30 Refined estimate of lambda_ms with 2+1+1 - Konstantin Petrov. 16:00 Overlap Valence Quarks on a Twisted Mass sea - an update ...

News and infos from the theory groupJohannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Meyer, Konstantin Ottnad, and Hartmut Wittig has been highlighted as an Editors' suggestion in Physical Review D. The paper presents an update of our ... Meyer, Konstantin Ottnad, and Hartmut Wittig has been highlighted as an Editors' suggestion in Physical Review D. The paper presents an update of our ...

Precision tests of fundamental physics with light mesons ...FBK ECT
16: :45. Konstantin Ottnad. eta, eta' mixing from the lattice. Aula Renzo Leonardi, ECT*. 16: :20. Updating the timetable... Powered by Indico v3. 16: :45. Konstantin Ottnad. eta, eta' mixing from the lattice. Aula Renzo Leonardi, ECT*. 16: :20. Updating the timetable... Powered by Indico v3.

Hadronic light-by-light contribution to $(g-2)_ ...conference-indico
— ... Renwick J. Hudspith Harvey B. Meyer Konstantin Ottnad. Presentation materials. chao_hlbl_aplat2020.pdf. Indico. Powered by Indico v Help — ... Renwick J. Hudspith Harvey B. Meyer Konstantin Ottnad. Presentation materials. chao_hlbl_aplat2020.pdf. Indico. Powered by Indico v Help.

Report of ContributionsIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
— Presenter: KONSTANTIN OTTNAD. Session Classification: Session 5. June 11, Page 9. Page 11. ETMC meeting ( … / Report of Contributions — Presenter: KONSTANTIN OTTNAD. Session Classification: Session 5. June 11, Page 9. Page 11. ETMC meeting ( … / Report of Contributions.

Testing the Witten-Veneziano Formula on the Lattice理化学研究所
— Primary author. Dr Konstantin Ottnad (University of Bonn). Co-authors. Prof. Carsten Urbach (University of Bonn) Dr Elena Garcia-Ramos — Primary author. Dr Konstantin Ottnad (University of Bonn). Co-authors. Prof. Carsten Urbach (University of Bonn) Dr Elena Garcia-Ramos ...

Invited SpeakersGSI - Aktuelles
Konstantin Ottnad (University of Mainz): eta,eta' mesons and the Witten-Veneziano formula from lattice QCD. Paolo Pedroni (University of Pavia): GDH on the ...

CLS meeting (1-2 March 2018) · (Indico)
Konstantin Ottnad (JGU/HIM) 19: :00 Dinner Dinner at "Heiliggeist" Friday, 2 March : :00 Talks and Discussion: Project reports 09:00 NPR with perturbative subtraction of lattice artifacts 30' Speaker: Jonas Wilhelm (JGU Mainz) 09:30 Overview of ...

36th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (22-July...
Konstantin Ottnad. Speaker at Nucleon charges and quark momentum fraction with $N_f=2+1$ Wilson fermions. Sungwoo Park. Speaker at Update on $B \to ...

32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2014)...
Konstantin Ottnad. Speaker at Extraction of the isovector magnetic form factor of the nucleon at zero momentum. Benjamin Owen. Speaker at Electromagnetic ...

Pion Pole Contribution to HLbL Scattering in the Muon g The Cyprus Institute
Georg Bergner, Sebastian Burri, Andrew Gasbarro, Konstantin Ottnad, Bartosz Kostrzewa,. Marcus Petschlies, Ferenc Pittler, Fernanda Steffens, Carsten Urbach.

ETMC meeting (October 2011) ( October 2011) · Agenda › event
15:00, Pseudoscalar flavor-singlet mesons from 2+1+1 tmLQCD - Konstantin Ottnad (Via Corrado Segre 4/6, room 1B). Slides. 15:30, Refined estimate of ...

ETMC meeting (October 2011) ( October 2011): Contribution List...
16. Nf=4 Renormalization constants. David Palao , 14:30. Session 5 · 9. Pseudoscalar flavor-singlet mesons from 2+1+1 tmLQCD. Konstantin Ottnad.

Nucleon Spin Structure at Low Q: A Hyperfine View (2-6 July FBK ECT
ECT* - Villa Tambosi - Trento. Strada delle Tabarelle, Villazzano (TN) Italy. Speaker. Konstantin Ottnad (JGU Mainz). Presentation materials ... › event

Nucleon Spin Structure at Low Q: A Hyperfine View (2-July 6, 2018):...
Konstantin Ottnad (JGU Mainz) , 10: Novel calculation of the nucleon FF with Dispersively Improved Chiral EFT. Jose Alarcon (Madrid).

Hadronic Light-by-Light scattering in the anomalous ...CNRS
— En-Hung Chao, Renwick Hudspith, Antoine Gérardin, Jeremy Green, HM, Konstantin Ottnad Harvey Meyer.

Isovector axial form factor of the nucleon from lattice QCD, ...X-MOL
— Dalibor Djukanovic, Georg von Hippel, Jonna Koponen, Harvey B. Meyer, Konstantin Ottnad, Tobias Schulz, Hartmut Wittig ...

Status update: 0 transition form factor on CLS
— Jonna Koponen∗, Antoine Gйrardin, Harvey Meyer, Konstantin Ottnad,. Georg von Hippel. ∗ .

The nucleon sigma terms with $N_f = 2 + 1$ O($a$) ...X-MOL
— Andria Agadjanov, Dalibor Djukanovic, Georg von Hippel, Harvey B. Meyer, Konstantin Ottnad, Hartmut Wittig.