Ján Krúpa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ján Krúpa)


Scheidt & Bachmann Slovensko took part in the Devin – Bratislava Race...

21 employees including Managing Directors Marina Schiffer and Ján Krúpa took part in the “Great Devin” challenge which is an 11,625 meter race. The remaining 10 participants, many among them were employee’s children, ran the 2,600 meter “Little Devin” race.

AS NIAGARA FALLS | Latest Headlines | buffalonews.combuffalonews.com › news › as-niagara-falls

· "Everyone had a ball," said Niagara Falls businessman Jan Krupa, who was on keyboard. Local attorney Angelo Morinello called it the ...
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Vorname "Ján" (145)
Name "Krúpa" (1)
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