News Lampros Iskos

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Assistenzärztin/Assistenzarzt Chirurgie - , › stelle
· Herrn Lampros Iskos Marien-Hospital Erftstadt , Erftstadt Per (nur PDF-Dateien).

Stiri despre lampros iskos |
VIDEO Cosmote trece pe 4G din aprilie. Unde poţi testa reţeaua. Cosmote România a anunţat, luni, că va trece la tehnologia 4G începând cu luna aprilie a ...

Ziarul Financiar: Lampros Iskos, seful dezvoltarii retelei Cosmote:...
Lampros Iskos, director executiv dezvoltare si operare retea, Cosmote Romania: Ultimele procente de acoperire a teritoriului si populatiei sunt ...

Erftstadt-Frauenthal: Neuer Chefarzt der Unfall- und › Region › Rhein-Erft › Erftstadt
· Lampros Iskos (hier mit dem Model eines Kniegelenks) ist neuer Chefarzt für Viszeral- und Unfallchirurgie des Frauenthaler Marien-Hospitals.

St. Josef Hospital in Beuel: Tag der offenen Tür - OP-Technik für...
Wer einen Herzschrittmacher trägt, wird automatisch in der Nähe von elektrischen Gegenständen vorsichtig. Ob ihr Mann den strombetriebenen Rasenmäher gefahrlos...

Serviciile 4G, disponibile pentru clienţii Cosmote din unele zone ale...
... ireproşabilă şi a unei experienţe de utilizare la cel mai înalt nivel”, a declarat Lampros Iskos, Chief Technical Officer Cosmote România.

Communication. T-Mobile Netherlands announced its new strategy for...
Engineering. Rachid follows Lampros Iskos who has found a new ...

VIDEO Cosmote trece pe 4G din aprilie. Unde poţi testa reţeaua |...
Cosmote Romania a anuntat, luni, ca va trece la tehnologia 4G incepand cu luna aprilie a acestui an. Internetul oferit de Cosmote va avea viteze de pana la...

Mavenir Systems : T-Mobile Netherlands Selects Mavenir™ for IMS Core...
Mavenir Systems® , a leading provider of software-based networking solutions, today announced that it was selected to provide its IMS core... › ict › article-normal Les opérateurs néerlandais ne peuvent déployer la 4G partout ...
Dans une interview accordée à Tweakers, le directeur de T-Mobile, Lampros Iskos, déclare que dix pour cent environ des emplacements ...

COSMOTE Romania enhances its data and voice coverage at the subway
True to its promise to make mobile telephony accessible to all Romanians, anywhere the customers need, COSMOTE Romania enhances its voice and data coverage, ...

European Media & Comm moves: T-Mobile Netherlands › news-insights › trending
CEO MarkKlein, Financial Director Freddy Dijkman and Directors Lampros Iskos and MarcoKind will reportedly leave the company. Marieke Snoep, who leads ...

Common appointments in Romtelecom and COSMOTE Romania
Romtelecom and COSMOTE Romania announce the following common appointments, starting 1st of October, 2013, in line with the two companies' effort to improve t...

Echipa comuna de conducere in Romtelecom si Cosmote: Sase executivi...
Sase directori executivi vor fi responsabili atat de operatiunile Romtelecom, cat si ale Cosmote, incepand cu 1 octombrie 2013, ca urmare a efortului celor...

Les opérateurs néerlandais ne peuvent déployer la 4G partout - ICT...
Les opérateurs néerlandais ne peuvent proposer la 4G sur une partie de leurs mâts d'antennes. Les propriétaires des bâtiments et parcelles ne donnent en effet...

Nederland kan niet overal 4G uitrollen - Nieuws - Data News
Nederlandse operatoren kunnen op een deel van hun zendmasten geen 4G aanbieden. De eigenaren van de gebouwen en gronden geven geen toestemming.

T-Mobile activeert in drie dagen grootste 4G+ netwerk van Nederland
T-Mobile blijft het netwerk verbeteren en activeert vanaf 11 januari de volgende innovatie op het 4G-netwerk; namelijk 4G+. Doordat T-Mobile gebruik maakt van... › stiri › nomobileVIDEO Cosmote va lansa primele servicii de internet mobil 4G ...
Serviciile vor fi lansate in cateva orase din Romania, inclusiv in Bucuresti, a completat Lampros Iskos, directorul tehnic al operatorului de ...

Nederland kan niet overal 4G uitrollen - Nieuws - Data › nieuws › article-normal
· In een interview met Tweakers zegt T-Mobile topman Lampros Iskos dat ongeveer tien procent van de antennelocaties hierdoor niet wordt ...

Romtelecom rings in the changes - Broadband TV › › romtele...
· Lampros Iskos, the current chief technical officer of Cosmote Romania, become director of technology for T-Mobile Netherlands. Anca Georgescu- ...

T-Mobile heeft volgens gebruikers gemiddeld het snelste 4G-netwerk...
Lampros Iskos, Directeur Technology van T-Mobile Nederland: ´We hebben de ambitie om het beste netwerk van Nederland te bouwen. Om dit ...
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Vorname "Lampros" (75)
Name "Iskos" (2)