Monika Leja-Lebendig Person-Info 

( Ich bin Monika Leja-Lebendig)


(1 - 4 von 6

24-year-old cancer victim inspires after death | CNN
Maire Kent, 24, with rare cardiac sarcoma, made a unique plan for disposal of her ashes that wound up inspiring strangers.

The heart isn't particularly vulnerable to cancer – and here's why |...
Cancer is the nation's No. 2 cause of death. So why don't more people get heart cancer?

Cardio-Oncology Program to Help Cancer Patients Deal with Heart...
As cancer therapy becomes more effective and the number of cancer survivors increases, doctors are faced with a new challenge: ensuring patients have a healthy

Lech Walesa implanted with pacemaker -
Surgeons successfully implanted a pacemaker in former Polish President Lech Walesa on Friday and hope it will keep the Nobel laureate from needing a heart...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Monika Leja-Lebendig
Monika Leja
Vorname "Monika" (57514)
Name "Leja-Lebendig" (1)
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