Xu Lejiang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Xu Lejiang)


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Übernahme: Baosteel buhlt um Rio Tinto - manager magazin

Der größte chinesische Stahlproduzent Baosteel will offenbar in den Bieterstreit um das britisch-australische Bergbauunternehmen Rio Tinto einsteigen. Eine...

China's View of the Financial Mess: Alarmed But Confident - TIMEcontent.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599, ,00.html

... since August, and its CEO is glum: The era of rapid growth for China's steel industry "will soon be remembered as history," says Xu Lejiang.

Baosteel looks at London float | London Evening Standard

Chairman Xu Lejiang told Bloomberg Television in Shanghai an overseas listing is one option as he pursues plans to more than double ...

Steel industry feels pinch in China - The Globe and Mail

As government puts brakes on infrastructure growth in slowing economy, steel makers begin to diversify
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