Offer New Lifts Person-Info 

( Ich bin Offer New Lifts)


(1 - 4 von 84

Porsche ski lifts and heated seats let you hit the slopes in style | News ...
“Given the number of new lifts built over the summer, you might think we are in the midst of a 1980s-style economic boom,” said Colin Nicholson, editor of Ski+ board, the magazine of the Ski Club of Great Britain. “Resorts are also investing heavily in snowmaking technology and other major infrastructure ...

Minority offer lifts Seartec's shares 23,6% | IOL Business Report
Cape Town - The share price of Seartec, the office automation and consumer electronic company, gained 23,6 percent or 17c ...

BBC NEWS | Business | Takeover offer lifts Chez Gerard
Shares in restaurant chain Chez Gerard rise sharply as a prospective buyer says it is willing to pay up to £20m for the firm.

Barrick offer lifts composite - The Globe and Mail
Canadian stocks rose, led by mining companies, after Barrick Gold Corp. announced a hostile takeover bid for rival Placer Dome Inc. to create the world's largest gold producer. The $9.2- billion (U.S.) stock-and-cash offer lifted gold miners and ...
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Name "Lifts" (1)
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