Stuff Like Paint Person-Info 

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RetrOKC shop takes a nostalgic look at an idyllic era | News OK
Whatever you call it, walking into RetrOKC brings a strong sense of nostalgia even if you weren't alive during the era represented by his stock. “I try to sell midcentury '50s and '60s vintage items, modern design items of that design period and kitschy stuff like paint by numbers and I don't know, trinkets and ...

Arijit, Animoto Head of Design & Artist | Animoto Blog
Many people with autism have trouble processing and integrating sensory information. The practice of getting hands-on with textures and colors, often with stuff like paint, sand, shaving cream, and colored liquids, actually helps individuals better integrate into daily life. Since getting messy wasn't an option ...

Calgary City News Blog: A good place for bad stuff: the Household ...
The City's Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Drop-off Program makes sure that stuff like paint, motor oil, car batteries and propane tanks are disposed of properly. This ensures they are handled according to Alberta Environmental regulations, or even recycled. “We've recently made improvements to our ...

Heather 'The Heat' warms up to kart racing at Vallejo Times-Herald
Sure, Heather likes to do your normal stuff like paint and read. But there's nothing like jumping into the fireproof suit and helmet and zoom past opponents at 60 mph. There's certainly no insults like "YOU DRIVE LIKE A GIRL!" Not from the awed boys she competes against, anyway. "They just say, 'I can't ...
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