News Lizbeth Sayavedra

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Tiefseemuscheln mit hochgiftigen Untermietern - Innovations Report
... untersucht haben, liefert möglicherweise beides: Schutz und Nahrung. Das ist schon recht außergewöhnlich”, betont Lizbeth Sayavedra, ...

Recent News
Recent News. September 23, A new symbiont genome has been published with participation of Lizbeth Sayavedra from our group!

Tiefseemuscheln und -schwämme gedeihen auf Öl: Des einen Freud, des...
Maxim Rubin-Blum, Chakkiath Paul Antony, Christian Borowski, Lizbeth Sayavedra, Thomas Pape, Heiko Sahling, Gerhard Bohrmann, Manuel Kleiner, Molly C. Redmond, ...

Deep-sea mussels with highly toxic tenants
That is very unusual”, emphasizes Lizbeth Sayavedra, who conducted the research as part of her doctoral thesis. The tenant not only fills the fridge, it also keeps the burglars out. In the next steps, Petersen now wants to investigate the details of this defence mechanism. The research team has developed a ...

Symbiosis bacteria produce a variety of toxins that appear to save...
"Symbioses are usually assumed to have only one benefit – the symbionts either help the host to feed or to defend itself. Our study shows that the partnership of Bathymodiolus and the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria seems to provide both: defence and food. That is very unusual", emphasizes Lizbeth Sayavedra, ...