Raul Maquedano Castro Person-Info 

( Ich bin Raul Maquedano Castro)


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Mauricio Funes trifft Raul Castro in Kuba

[Nachrichten.ch] - Deutsche Islamisten in Pakistan getötet Islamabad - Bei einem US-Drohnenangriff im Grenzgebiet zwischen Pakistan und Afghanistan sind nach pakistanischen

Google News: Gianni Minà: "Oltre il capitalismo, il Brasile dimostra che ci sono altri modi ...

[Tiscali Europa] - Ebbene, questa apertura di Raul Castro non ha suscitato nessuna reazione da parte del governo degli Stati Uniti e nemmeno della Comunità europea.

Cuba 'may release more prisoners'

[BBC News] - By Michael Voss BBC News, Havana In July, President Raul Castro agreed to free 52 prisoners arrested in a crackdown on opposition groups in

Google News: GAS Vs Natural Energy

[The Leewards Times] - President Raul Castro is allowing an expansion of small-scale private enterprise, and also the government on Friday unveiled guidelines for free enterprise
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