News Marc André Dankert

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Sinfonisches und Hits der 80er: Begeisternde „Kult (tour)“ der...
6. Nov · Dieses bereits von den letzten Live-Konzerten bekannte Vorgehen steigerte die Unmittelbarkeit der musikalischen Erfahrung enorm. Weitere thematisch passende Video-Sequenzen (vorproduziert von Marc Dankert (Q1) und Christoph Barth) sorgten parallel zur Musik für multimedialen Genuss. Das Team um Bastian Begger setzte die Orchester ...

Chronik 98
Es spielten folgende Schüler der Everkampschule: Dennis Sagasser, Dennis Jokisch , Christian Schwantje, Marcel Adams, Marc Dankert und Patrick Schöne. Computer- Einsatz löst einen Motivationsschub aus Telekom stellt der Everkampschule ausrangierte PCs und Drucker zur Verfügung . Donnerstag, den

Best Poster Award at Graphene Week to André Dankert | Chalmers
Congratulations to the Best Poster Award at the Graphene Week! How does it feel? I hear there were many contestants? – The price came to me very surprisingly,...

Graphene looking promising for future spintronic devices
From left: Saroj Prasad Dash, Venkata Kamalakar Mutta and André Dankert. Credit: Oscar Mattsson. Researchers at Chalmers University of ...

Graphene offers huge potential for future spintronic devices - Market...
Graphene could take the electronics industry beyond its dependence on superconductors, say researchers from Chalmers University of Technology.

Graphene set to launch spintronic devices to the next level - Market...
Super strong graphene, which is also a very good conductor of electricity and heat, could soon be replacing semiconductors, a new study suggests.

NEWS #7, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Area of Advance
Best Poster Award at Graphene Week to André Dankert. André Dankert, PhD student, has been honoured with the Best Poster Award at the Graphene Week ...

Jugend forscht RW Dresden
Grundaufbau und Funktionsprinzip elektronischer Rechner (2005). von Robert Rasche (18) und Andre Dankert (18, beide Goethe-Gymnasium Sebnitz) ...

Spin current detected at room temperature, says team
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology say they have used a ferromagnetic detector to sense spin current on topological insulator surfaces at room...