News Mark Mazower

(1 - 30 von 38
) Heute in den Feuilletons: Ehemalige Jugendmusik und das Mofa als Statussymbol

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - In der "SZ" plädieren Navid Kermani und Wolf Lepenies für die Einrichtung einer Akademie islamischer und jüdischer Kulturen. In der "FR" erklärt Herfried Münkler den USA, warum sie im Irakscheitern. Die "NZZ" meditiert über die Rolle des Mopeds beim Aufstieg Vietnams. Und die "FAZ" erinnert an den 17. Juni News Digest: Kitsch Lite

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David Hudson Jeff Koons, "the most written off artist of the 90s", attends the Hamburg premiere of "Jeff Koons", directed by the young "shooting star" Stefan Bachmann. Also: Books on Germany's past. Hitler hätte siegen können | Telepolis

Der US-Historiker Mark Mazower über den NS-Staat als Imperium, die Ermordung von Millionen aus Machttaktik und die Frage, ob Albert Speer den Krieg gewonnen hat

Sachlich richtig ǀ Erich Mielke und das Homogenozän — der Freitag
Literaturprofessor Erhard Schütz über erweiterte Geschichtsschreibung

Taz: Wehrmachtsmassaker in Griechenland: Die Schreie des Lambros Nissiotis...

Am 16. August erschoss die Wehrmacht wahllos Dorfbewohner im griechischen Kommeno. Eine Begegnung mit zwei Überlebenden.

Review: “Governing the World” by Mark Mazower – The › › review-go...
Every few generations, some overly ambitious member of our species tries to rule the world. Philip of Macedonia, Genghis Khan and the ...

Review: 'What You Did Not Tell,' by Mark Mazower | Star › review-what-you-did-not-tel...
· In “What You Did Not Tell: A Russian Past and the Journey Home,” Mark Mazower's sensitive excavation of his parents' and paternal ...

Mark Mazower | London Evening Standard
Mark Mazower. Follow us: All Topics · All Authors · Archive · Terms of use · Contact Us · Privacy policy · Cookie policy · Code of Conduct & Complaints ...

Imperialism and the birth of the UN - The Boston Globe
Mark Mazower's groundbreaking books include “Hitler's Empire: How the Nazis Ruled Europe,'' “Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims ...

Guardian: Mark Mazower | The › profile › mark-mazower

Mark Mazower teaches history at Columbia University. His books include Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe, Dark Continent: Europe's Twentieth ...

Governing the World by Mark Mazower: review
Mark Mazower's latest book is a history of attempts to promote world governance

Mark Mazower | The › author › mark-mazower
Mark Mazower. Get in touch. Contact us · Jobs. Our products. Subscriptions · Install our apps · Archive. Other publications. Evening Standard · Novaya Gazeta ...

Hitlers imperiale Träume (Archiv)
Paradoxerweise träumten schon die Nazis von einem geeinten Europa - ein Kontinent unter deutscher Vorherrschaft, ein ethnisch einheitliches Imperium, das die...

"Imperium": So sah das Dritte Reich in Hitlers Träumen aus - WELT
Nach Ausdehnung und Bevölkerung übertraf das Dritte Reich die USA und sollte Basis für die deutsche Weltherrschaft werden. Historiker Mark Mazower entwirft in...

Mark Mazower: No Enchanted Palace: Von der Wirklichkeit guter...
Pointiert, kenntnisreich und nüchtern: Mark Mazowers Entzauberung der Anfänge der Vereinten Nationen ist ein bestechender Beitrag zur...

Mark Mazower : Online-Lexikon Literaturwissenschaft. Begriffe -...
Online-Lexika :

Guardian: What You Did Not Tell by Mark Mazower review – a dramatic family...

In uncovering his ancestors’ secrets, the historian also paints a vast and rich picture of left-wing European Jewry throughout the 20th century

Governing the world: the history of an idea, By Mark Mazower | The › Culture › Books › Reviews
· One therefore turns with interest to Governing the World by the English-born, Columbia University-based historian Mark Mazower.

Eine Idee von gestern? - Mark Mazower liefert in „Die Welt regieren“...
Eine Idee von gestern? Mark Mazower liefert in „Die Welt regieren“ die facettenreiche Geschichte einer Idee mit pessimistischer Perspektive

Taz: Zwischen Ideal und Machtverhältnis -

INTERNATIONALISMUS Mark Mazowers Geschichte der Idee einer internationalen Völkergemeinschaft

Lunch Colloquium with Dr. Mark Mazower
Mark Mazower is Ira D. Wallach professor of history at Columbia University and the founding director of the university's new Institute for Ideas and Imagination in  ...

Mark Mazower "Così tramonta un'utopia democratica" - Repubblica...
Intervista allo storico che spiega la crisi delle organizzazioni internazionali tra populismi e fine dell'egemonia americana Governare il mondo è la suprema...

Mark Mazower versus Orhan Pamuk - Hürriyet Daily › ariana-ferentinou
Mark Mazower versus Orhan Pamuk. Like many, I read the article of Turkey's first Nobel Laureate in Literature with great interest. And like many ...

Mark Mazower: European democracy enters dangerous times
Battle to defend the euro is reviving a rightwing language of purity Mark Mazower Financial Times, Until last week [

Trailer: Techniques of the Body - a film by Constanine Giannaris and...
21 JUNE Trailer: Techniques of the Body - a film by Constanine Giannaris and Mark Mazower. Techniques of the Body explores the memory of war, exile ...

with Mark Mazower - › event › talk-what-you-did-not-...
What You Did Not Tell: A Russian Past and the Journey Home with Mark Mazower, professor of history at Columbia University in conversation ...

Reflections on 1821: A discussion with Mark Mazower | eKathimerini › culture › reflections-on
· ... of Independence, world-renowned historian Mark Mazower, a professor of History at Columbia University, gave an online celebratory lecture.

BBC Radio 3 - Night Waves, Eric Hobsbawm, Mark Mazower, Madness and...
Eric Hobsbawm remembered, The idea of governing the world and Victorian madness.

Mark Mazower Named Gennadius Prize › news › newsDetails › mark-maz...
· Mark Mazower Named Gennadius Prize Recipient ... October 27, 2022) - Mark Mazower has been selected as the next recipient of the prestigious ...