News Michael Derks

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Sterling firm vs dollar after jobs data provides relief
[Reuters UK] - "The headline US jobs numbers have provided a bit of encouragement to the likes of euro and Cable with investors cutting some of their long dollar positions," said Michael Derks, chief strategist at FXPRO. "But the labour market in the US remains

Guardian: US credit rating downgraded to AA+ by Standard & Poor's

[The Guardian] - Michael Derks, chief strategist at FxPro Such, said there was a "growing pool of discouraged workers", that had left only 58.1% of Americans of working age in employment, the lowest level for 30 years. Analysts said attention was switching to the

Google News: Japonský jen po intervenci klesl

[] - „Přirozeně je otázkou, zda budou centrální banky Japonska a Švýcarska s oslabením svých měn dlouhodobě úspěšné,“ uvedl pro Bloomberg Michael Derks ze společnosti FxPro. Analytici ale říkají, že jen, který slouží jako jistější investice v nejistých

Google News: 非农报告缓解美国经济忧虑,英镑兑美元走坚

[和讯网] - FXPRO的首席策略师Michael Derks表示:“美国就业数据给欧元和英镑/美元提供些许支撑,因投资者削减美元多头头寸。” “但美国就业市场仍然脆弱,且鉴于欧元区债务问题,英镑/美元看似将持稳。” 美国劳工部公布,美国7月非

Google News: Swiss central bank seeks to stem franc's rise

[Financial Times] - “The price action on the Swiss franc is indicative of investors becoming more concerned with sovereign balance sheets,” said Michael Derks at FxPro. Yields on benchmark 10-year Spanish and Italian bonds peaked at and per cent respectively on

Get your own back on the currency cowboys
[The Independent] - "The pound has been helped by the fact that it is not the euro, but apart from that it has little else going for it," said Michael Derks, chief strategist at the foreign exchange dealership FX Pro. In other words, if you were holding only sterling

竊聽丑聞或爆英國之春 英鎊警惕政治風險溢價
[鉅亨網 (新聞發布)] - 投資機構FxPro駐倫敦首席外匯策略師邁克爾·德克斯(Michael Derks)表示,“截止目前,英鎊還沒有計入政治不確定…因素帶來的任何風險溢價。考慮到竊聽丑聞事件中重要人物紛紛落馬,這一事件可能會對首相及英國政壇帶來影響,因此目前來看,英鎊的表現似乎過於樂觀。

Google News: 窃听丑闻或爆英国之春 英镑警惕政治风险溢价

[财讯] - 投资机构FxPro驻伦敦首席外汇策略师迈克尔·德克斯(Michael Derks)表示,“截止目前,英镑还没有计入政治不确定…因素带来的任何风险溢价。考虑到窃听丑闻事件中重要人物纷纷落马,这一事件可能会对首相及英国政坛带来

Sterling up vs dollar after Spain auction, outlook shaky - › article
· Cable has been dragged up with it as the dollar slipped,” said Michael Derks, chief strategist at FX Pro. On the domestic front, ...

GWAR Guitarist Michael Derks Diagnosed With
— My name is Michael Derks, but I am more widely known by my stage name, BälSäc the Jaws 'o Death. I've spent the last thirty years behind a ...

Kita am Ringofen: „Mit so einer Situation hat niemand ...Aachener Zeitung
— „Die Einrichtung geht aber auch auf die Wünsche der Eltern ein, wenn sie die Betreuungstage wechseln möchten“, ergänzt Michael Derks. Dennoch ...

Kita zieht Notbremse bei Betreuung: Erst der Anfang?
— ... Mitgliedern des Ringofen-Elternbeirats Jennifer Kosel-Lämmerzahl und Michael Derks wird deutlich: Eltern und Kita sitzen in einem Boot. › aktuell › archiv › kita-zieht-...

Betreuungsnot: Erzieher und Eltern wissen in Krise nicht weiter
— Doch das Dilemma an der Basis – so sind sie, Permantier sowie Jennifer Kosel-Lämmerzahl und Michael Derks vom Ringofen-Elternbeirat einig ... › aktuell › archiv › erzieher-un...

Gwar guitarist battling serious bone marrow disorder - › news › gwar-guitarist-battling-serio...
· "My name is Michael Derks, but I am more widely known by my stage name, BälSäc the Jaws 'o Death. I've spent the last thirty years behind a ...

GWAR Did Not Cancel Tour Despite 7 Out Of 13 Touring Camp › News
· as GWAR frontman Michael Derks stated in his caption on Instagram. The band had wrapped the 30th-anniversary tour of their most noted album, ...