News Michio Kaku

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Authors share their summer reading lists
[San Jose Mercury News] - and "World Without Fish," says: "I have a pile all set to go, which includes lots of new books that aren't new anymore -- a Roberto Bolano novel, Roddy Doyle's 'The Dead Republic,' Chinese poetry by Bei Dao and Michio Kaku's 'Physics of the Future.

Online with the blink of an eye and other marvels in our future
[Los Angeles Times] - Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, author of "Physics of the Future," talks about how our evolving understanding of the laws of physics will dramatically transform our daily lives. (Anthony Pidgeon, Redferns / April 11, 2009) By Amina Khan

Former NASA Astronaut Receives da Vinci Award; Mayor Declares June 3 as Day of ...
[Marketwire (press release)] - Other inductees include Dr. Michio Kaku, renowned scientist, and Ray Kurzweil, leading technologist and inventor, just to name a few. The Leonardo da Vinci Society for the Study of Thinking is pleased to welcome Dr. Edgar Mitchell into the

Google News: Il disastro nucleare di Fukushima equivale a più di 50 Chernobyl

[ECPlanet] - Come il Dr. Michio Kaku, un fisico teorico di fama mondiale ha messo in luce sulla CNN il 18 marzo 2011, nel disastro di Chernobyl è stato coinvolto solo un reattore e “solo” 57,6 tonnellate del nocciolo del reattore ha raggiunto l'atmosfera.

Personal profile: Debbie Corlee
[Denton Record Chronicle] - The four guests at my fantasy dinner party would be: Paul McCartney, Michio Kaku, the pope and Oprah. My hobbies are: singing, reading, skating and watching movies. The last book I read was: Ultimate Journey by Robert A. Monroe.

Kaku Helps Rostik Celebrate 30 Years
[The Moscow Times] - By Derek Andersen Rostik Group president Rostislav Ordovsky-Tanayevsky Blanco celebrated his company's 30th anniversary by inviting about 300 "partners, friends and the best employees" Thursday to hear popular US science evangelist Michio Kaku speak

Google News: La bomba más cara del universo

[Diario El País] - El físico estadounidense Michio Kaku, en su libro Física imposible (Debate, 2009), explica que "todos los átomos en el universo actual son los residuos de una cancelación casi perfecta entre materia y antimateria". Los restos de esa aniquilación mutua

Rose-Hulman to Honor AIT Labs Founder
[Inside INdiana Business (press release)] - Michio Kaku, acclaimed public speaker, famed futurist, best-selling author, theoretical physicist and radio/television personality. He will present the commencement address. Using the cutting edge research of today's foremost scientists Kaku explores

Google News: Expert: Obama will bring peace, ET false flag, “Armageddon” against good ETs

[] - Dr. Michio Kaku said that a T-Rex could be running through our living room right now and we would never know it because it was in a parallel dimension. If that is true, then we could be running through God's living room and not even know it

Google News: We Will Become Like the Gods We Once Feared

[Big Think (blog)] - Every Wednesday, Michio Kaku will be answering reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section below and check back on Wednesdays to see if he answers it.

Google News: Jerry's calling it quits

[Midweek] - IN HIS LATEST book, Physics of the Future, Dr. Michio Kaku says, “Commuting to work won't be such an agonizing chore because cars will drive themselves.” If Google gets its way, Nevada will be the first city in the world to have driverless cars.

Google News: Winning in a Mobile First Environment: Create Visual Stories

[Business 2 Community] - In recent television interviews on the nuclear crisis in Japan, noted physicist Michio Kaku used analogies to describe complex efforts for cooling down the rogue reactors at Fukushima. He talked about how using helicopters to dump water on the reactors

Joseph Langen: Finding our way into the future with each other
[The Daily News Online] - In his book “The Physics of the Future,” Michio Kaku, a quantum physicist, writes about science and human destiny over the next 100 years. Although I don't expect to be around for the next 100 years, or even the next 50, I thought it might be

When Aliens Attack, Eddie Stobart and Arena: TV Picks
[Metro] - To think that we're the only intelligent life in the universe is, as theoretical physicist and regular telly science face Michio Kaku puts it, 'the height of arrogance'. So what happens if they do pop round to visit, lasers in their back pockets?

Google News: 10 ý tưởng sẽ biến cải tương lai

[Báo Khoa học] - TS, nhà vật lý lý thuyết nổi tiếng Michio Kaku của Trường City University of New York, người Mỹ gốc Nhật, mới đây đã chia sẻ những dự đoán của mình trên tờ The Times. Theo TS Kaku, tới năm sẽ có một loạt những phát minh quan trọng.

SAPPHIRE NOW (Day 1): Experienced in 140 Characters or Less
[Business 2 Community] - Intellectual capital is more important than ever because you can't mass produce the mind – Dr. Michio Kaku #SAPPHIRENOW via @RB63 Science is the engine of growth Dr. Michio Kaku #futurist #SAPPHIRENOW #SAP #bigthnk via @rwang0 Kaku says to bet on

Google News: «Aquecimento global não irá durar para sempre»

[TVI24] - O aquecimento global é um problema importante para o físico norte-americano Michio Kaku, mas «não irá durar para sempre». «Irá durar de 10 a 20 anos», afirmou. Segundo refere o «G1», Kaku acredita que a forma de se poder prescindir dos combustíveis

[] - The US world news the night that Japanese physicist Michio Kaku mentioned complete meltdown of all 3 reactors did not mention this tragic event!!! Governmental agencies certainly act to preserve their own existence. It is obvious to all informed

Google News: This is the Way the World Won't End

[Big Think] - As the theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku and others have noted, a solar storm is possible and it could cause great damage to our infrastructure. This is something the government keeps a continuous watch on, at NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center

Ask Your Weatherman What's In-store for Your Hair This Summer
[ (press release)] - SAN DIEGO, May 10, (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to Michio Kaku, Physics Professor at City University of New York, is going to be a wet year. Kaku recently appeared on NBC's Today Show stating that predictions show global warming