News Munther Fahmi

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NZZ: Geschichte und Gesetze | NZZ

Mehr als ein Drittel der Bewohner Jerusalems sind Palästinenser. Enteignungen und Beschränkungen beim Wohnungsbau machen ihnen jedoch zu schaffen. Bei der...

Israelis defend threatened Palestinian bookseller | Reuters
Leading Israeli authors have joined a campaign against the deportation of a Palestinian book shop owner, whose business in east Jerusalem has become a hub for... Byen som ikke ønsker arabere – NRK Urix – Utenriksnyheter og...

Stadig flere palestinere tvinges ut av Jerusalem. En av dem som risikerer å bli kastet ut, er den kjente bokhandleren Munther Fahmi i American Colony Hotel.

Guardian: Palestinian bookshop owner celebrates Jerusalem residency ruling |...

Munther Fahmi's campaign to be allowed to stay in his birth city was backed by eminent literary figures

Das große Stadtgespräch mit Israelis und Palästinensern in Jerusalem...
Jerusalem. Heilige Stadt, geschundene Stadt. Symbol und Schauplatz des ewigen Konflikts zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern. Während die Diplomaten nach...

A Fixture of Jerusalem Literary Life, Threatened with Deportation |...
The other day, I received an unusual petition, addressed to the interior minister of Israel (Eli Yishai, who is also the head of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox …

Authors Pamuk, McEwan Back Bookseller Facing Israel ›
At Munther Fahmi's small bookshop in East Jerusalem, Martina Quick, political counselor at the Swedish embassy to Israel, peruses a copy of ...

Jerusalem bookseller a 'foreigner' in homeland - The National
Israeli officials have told Munther Fahmi that, after 16 years running his bookshop in the grounds of East Jerusalem's 19th-century hotel the ...

Israelis defend Palestinian bookseller
Prominent authors, including David Grossman and Amos Oz, join campaign against deportation of Munther Fahmi, whose east Jerusalem ...

The roadmap to peace needs an Israeli partner
Munther Fahmi, a revered bookseller in Jerusalem, is a foreigner in his homeland. For 16 years the Palestinian has had to renew his visa every few months to...