Tamer Nafer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tamer Nafer)


(1 - 4 von 17

Rappers wrap Mid-East pains in new trend | Al Bawaba

During the years of the Intifada, which at times, seem endless, a new trend of music has surfaced, one that attempts to “capture” the true meaning of

Rival rappers reflect Mid-East conflict - BBC NEWS | Middle East

— These are the words of Tamer Nafer, lead rapper of the first Palestinian hip-hop group, DAM. Rap music has always been unafraid to speak ... › middle_east

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Tamer Nafer Of Groundbreaking Palestinian Rap Group DAM Says He Is...

A member of one of the most respected Hip-Hop groups to ever come out of Palestine has given an update on the dangers of the conflict, which is spiraling out...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Tamer Nafer
Vorname "Tamer" (1108)
Name "Nafer" (1)
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