News Pascal Vollenweider

(1 - 20 von 21

EU-Parlament: 2,4 Millionen Unterschriften gegen ACTA |
Die Liste wurde an die Vorsitzende des Petitionsausschusses übergeben. Die ACTA-Gegner fordern die Abgeordneten auf, das umstrittene Handelsabkommen zu...

Le Pen anuncia el nacimiento de un nuevo mundo con el ejemplo de...
Los ultras europeos arremeten contra Merkel y la UE con la vista puesta en las elecciones de este año

Marine Le Pen claims ‘Anglo Saxon world waking up’ as Europe’s...
‘Yesterday, a new America. Today - a new Europe,’ anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders tells cheering crowds

Europe's far-right groups meet in Germany, buoyed by Donald Trump...
Far-right populist leaders from Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands are meeting in the German city of Koblenz to present their vision for a free Europe.

Nucléaire: signatures contre le nucléaire belge en 5 jours
Ce n’est pas la première pétition du genre et ce ne sera certainement pas la dernière… Mais elle est exceptionnelle par le nombre de signatures récoltées....

European nationalists flaunt strength, buoyed by Trump win | AP News
AVAAZ organizer Pascal Vollenweider said the statues of the dictators were meant to send a "strong message" to the nationalist politicians' ...

Holendrzy walczą z poławianiem wielorybów w Islandii – ICELAND NEWS
... na transport i przeładunek mięsa wielorybów, które z Islandii miałoby trafić do innych krajów” powiedział Pascal Vollenweider z organizacji ...

Europäisches Parlament nimmt Petition gegen ACTA entgegen
Die Petition, die in Namen der Organisation Avaaz von Alex Wilks, Pascal Vollenweider und Anne Agius überreicht wurde, wird nun vom ...

Europe's nationalist leaders launch year of election hopes
AVAAZ organizer Pascal Vollenweider said the statues of the dictators were meant to send a "strong message" to the nationalist politicians ...

Iceland Whale Meat Blocked from Dutch Ports
Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs Sharon Dijksma announced today that the Netherlands has committed to prevent the transit of fin whale meat from...

Marine Le Pen, Europe's Nationalist Leaders Kick off Year of Election...
Marine Le Pen joined fellow nationalists at a conference in Germany to a show of populist confidence as Europe faces high-stakes national elections.

Thousands protest over far-right conference in Koblenz | News | Al...
Far-right leaders from Germany, France, Italy and elsewhere gather in German city of Koblenz amid demonstrations.

The Great Clamour for Climate - ArtCOP21
Avaaz – contact : Pascal Vollenweider, directeur de campagne – contact : Kevin Buckland With active support : Le centre Pompidou

Ειδικοί:η Ευρώπη αντιμέτωπη με νέο Τσερνομπίλ λόγω των παλαιών και...
Oι Βρυξέλλες προαισθάνονται το τέλος τους Η έγγραφη διαμαρτυρία

2.5 million sign petition against ACTA to MEPs -
The petition was presented by Alex Wilks, Pascal Vollenweider and Anne Agius, on behalf of Avaaz, an organisation which uses the Internet to campaign on various issues.