News Perry Moerman

(1 - 5 von 6

Tour de France: les petites mains de la Grande boucle - RTL sport
Ils sont les travailleurs du jour de repos, les petites mains -dans le cambouis- de la Grande boucle, qui bichonnent, réparent, remettent à neuf les ...

Jan's Journal: A confidence boost, a flat day and the road to Germany...
Hello,Well, finally we had a day that gave us all a renewed sense of hope! Yesterday’s team trial was exactly what we needed to restore confidence on this...

Sport: Radsport: Klettern gegen die Uhr
Beim Umbau bastelten die beiden belgischen Mechaniker François Verleysen und Perry Moerman noch am Mittwoch herum, um es, so Moerman, ...

Why did Michael Rogers drop his chain? -
Michael Rogers dropped his chain off the small chainring in the stage one time trial, not once, but twice, forcing him to dismount and put it back on. He was... - the world centre of cycling
Peter Dammerer (Aut) Team Hervis NÖ Willi Wagner (Aut) Team Hervis NÖ Perry Moerman
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