News Philipp Peter Duncan

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Google News: Siguen ruta a red que explota adolescentes

[El Nuevo Diario] - En dicho proceso fueron condenados a 5 años de cárcel el estadounidense Peter Duncan Kolliner y el capitalino Evergard Francisco Peralta Traña, mientras que

Début de campagne difficile pour le coquelicot rouge
[Radio-Canada] restreint ou carrément interdit la vente de coquelicots », confirme le président de la section locale de la Légion royale canadienne, Peter Duncan.

New York Property Elusive Target for Distressed Investors Seeking Bargains
[Bloomberg] - “Everybody is still hoping the bottom will fall out,” , Peter Duncan, president and chief executive officer of George Comfort & Sons Inc., said today at the

Albury links in ABC's Rake
[The Border Mail] - And in response to Waterstreet's comment about his “pal” Roxburgh and writer Peter Duncan — “I'm the vase in which they arrange the flowers” — Roxburgh

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[Rutland and Stamford Mercury] - Langham parish councillor Peter Duncan said: “I hope a lot of people will attend but it's hard to say with these sort of things. “We as a council are quite

Brave swimmers to take a New Year's dip in the Forth
[Deadline Press & Picture Agency] - Peter Duncan, general operations manager of Haggis Adventures, said: “We are proud to be sponsors for such a unique and world famous event, especially when

Google News: Staff at factory had a blast from the past when an empty envelope was returned ...

[Leicester Mercury] - Company managing director Peter Duncan said the reason the letter had taken days to make the round trip to Frankfurt and back remained a mystery.

Three Tories ready to depose Goldie as Scots party leader
[] - Those jockeying for the leader's job are said to be West of Scotland MSP Jackson Carlaw, current deputy leader Murdo Fraser and former MP Peter Duncan

Asbestos scare keeps pool closed
[BBC News] - Councillor Peter Duncan, from Dumfries and Galloway Council, said it was a "blow to the local community". The pool was scheduled to reopen on Friday

Google News: MicroSeismic licenses Transform's TerraSuite software

[DEJ Magazine] - "This will be an important value-added service to our customers,” said Peter Duncan, MSI President. “Rather than importing raw data files into legacy
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