Luis Puigjaner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Luis Puigjaner)


EFCE honours individuals and team that developed 3D-printed reactor -...
Finally, EFCE gave its Lifetime Achievements Award to Professor Luis Puigjaner of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

escape28 - Scientific Committee
Tânia Pinto Varela. Vicenç Puig. Luis Puigjaner. Marco Reis. Mauricio Sales Cruz. Nilay Shah. Kitipat Siemanond. Elena Simone. Gürkan Sin. Sigurd Skogestad.

Welcome to ChemEng's newest academic staff member Dr Gonzalo...
NEW CHEMENG FACULTY - Dr Guillen-Gosalbez joins us from the University of Manchester and will continue his research on optimisation of chemical systems.
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