News Razan Zaitouneh

(1 - 30 von 38
) Aufstand in Syrien: Regime geht mit Razzien gegen Bürgerrechtler vor...

Syriens Präsident Assad kämpft um den Machterhalt: Die Geheimpolizei hat Bürgerrechtlern zufolge bei nächtlichen Razzien zahlreiche Aktivisten festgenommen....

Hillary Clinton demands release of ISIS captive - CNNPolitics
Since 2003, Razan Zaitouneh passionately documented human rights abuses in Syria; with the spawning of an armed uprisings in in 2011, ...

Taz: Opposition in Syrien: Menschenrechtlerin festgenommen -

Unklar ist, wer Razan Zaitnoueh in ihrem Büro verhaftet hat. Die Lage für die zivile Opposition wird auch durch die Strategie des Aushungerns noch schlimmer.

Syrian Activist Razan Zaitouneh Kidnapped by Suspected Islamist...
For more than a decade Razan Zaitouneh, Syria’s celebrated 36-year-old human-rights lawyer and activist stood her ground against the depredations of President...

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Razan Zaitouneh, future prix "Nobel" des droits de l'Homme?
La Syrienne Razan Zaitouneh avait déjà été récompensée du prix Sakharov «pour la liberté de l'esprit» en 2011, aux côtés de quatre autres ...

Razan Zaitouneh | HuffPost
Razan Zaitouneh is a 34-year-old human rights lawyer from Syria who has gone into hiding after being accused by the government of being a foreign agent - for ...

Listen to an extended interview with Razan Zaitouneh. - ABC Radio
Syrian human rights lawyer, Razan Zaitouneh joins The World Today from Damascus to discuss the call by Australia's Foreign Minister, Kevin Rudd to bring the...

Prix Françoise Giroud 2014: Mathieu Palain et Razan Zaitouneh...
Le journaliste Mathieu Palain a remporté jeudi le prix du portrait. L'avocate syrienne Razan Zaitouneh, enlevée en décembre, a quant à elle reçu le prix...

Entwicklungen Januar 2012
ACAT - Aktion der Christen für die Abschaffung der Folter

Auszeichnung: Sacharow-Preis für Aktivisten des Arabischen Frühlings...
Fünf Persönlichkeiten des Arabischen Frühlings erhalten den Sacharow-Preis. Einer von ihnen posthum: Mohammed Bouazizi, dessen Selbstmord Auslöser für den...

Sacharow-Preis geht an arabische Aktivisten - Politik -
Für besondere Verdienste um die Menschenrechte erhalten fünf arabische Aktivisten den diesjährigen Sacharow-Preis des Europäischen Parlaments. Geehrt werden...

The World Today - Human rights lawyer Razan Zaitouneh abducted in...
At the beginning of the civil uprising in Syria The World Today spoke with human rights lawyer Razan Zaitouneh who was documenting rights abuses within the...

Opinion: Forgetting Razan Zaitouneh | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive
Before she disappeared in December, Syrian human rights activist Razan Zaitouneh was being interviewed by an American TV journalist who ...

PEN International — Promoting freedom of …
Razan Zaitouneh is a human rights defender, blogger, lawyer and co-founder of the Violations Documentation Centre in Syria (VDC). On 9 December 2013, Zaitouneh, along with her colleagues Samira al-Khalil, Nazem Hamadi and Wa’el Hamada (her husband) were abducted during a raid on the offices of the VDC in Douma, near Damascus, by a group of ...

PEN International — Promoting freedom of expression and literature
PEN International is a global association of writers, founded in 1921, to campaign for freedom of expression and uphold literature as a force of world culture

Human Rights Commissioner on the anniversary of the abduction of...
Statement by the Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid, Christoph Strässer, on the anniversary of the abduction of Razan...

Auf der Suche nach der gemeinsamen Führung (Archiv)
Seit vier Monaten gehen die Menschen in Syrien für Freiheit und Demokratie, gegen Korruption und Willkür auf die Straße. Eine politische Führung, die ihre...

Syria: Foreign Minister Westerwelle calls for the release of Sakharov...
Foreign Minister Westerwelle today issued the following statement on the kidnapping of Sakharov Prize laureate Razan Zaitouneh and other Syrian human rights...

Menschenrechtsbeauftragter fordert Freilassung von Razan Zeitouneh...
Erklärung des Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Menschenrechtspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe, Christoph Strässer, zum Jahrestag der Entführung von Razan...

Razan Zaitouneh and her colleagues still forcibly disappeared after › news › view
· Zaitouneh has been one of the most prominent lawyers and women human rights defenders who led the human rights movement and defended ...

Sakharov Prize | Greens/EFA

The Law Society of Upper Canada Expresses Grave Concerns about the...
· CNW/ - The Law Society of Upper Canada is gravely concerned about the abduction of human rights lawyer Razan Zaitouneh in Syria. Reliable ...

Verleihung des Sacharow-Preises an arabische Aktivisten ist wichtiges...
... Asmaa Mahfus, die syrische Rechtsanwältin, Menschenrechtsverteidigerin und Internetaktivistin Razan Zaitouneh, der syrische Karikaturist ...

Gunmen abduct Syrian human rights lawyer in opposition territory — RT...
A Syrian human rights lawyer has been kidnapped by gunmen in the latest in a wave of abductions in Syria. Razan Zaitouneh, an outspoken critic of the Assad...

The modern Arab world has never known a female leader, and against all odds, Syria may be the country where it happens first

Clues but no answers in one of Syria war's biggest › article
· DOUMA, Syria (AP) — Razan Zaitouneh earned enemies on all sides of her homeland's civil war. One of Syria's most well-known rights ...

Syria: “Their freedom is their right” campaign announces Razan...
Razan Zaitouneh was born in She has been one of the most prominent lawyers and human rights activists defending political prisoners ...