News Roma Rights

(1 - 30 von 42
) The Right Wing and the Roma: EU Presidency a Test for Tolerance in...

Hungary will assume the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union in January and the government is pledging to forge a policy for addressing the Roma...

European Parliament resolution to 'respect Roma rights' - BBC News
Members of the European Parliament are expected to pass a resolution protecting the rights of Europe's Roma people.

U.N. rights experts urge France to respect Roma rights - Reuters
France must ensure that its policy of dismantling Roma settlements and expelling some Roma migrants does not violate international standards, U.N. human rights...

Ceija Stojka: Holocaust survivor who championed Roma rights | The...
Ceija Stojka, who died on 28 January at the age of 79, survived three Nazi death camps and then found her life's work: raising awareness of the Nazis'...

By the European Roma Rights Centre
BY THE EUROPEAN ROMA RIGHTS CENTRE AND CHIRIClI, CONCERNING UkRAINETo the Human Rights Council, within its Universal Periodic Review, for consideratio...

BBC News - European Court says Croatia violated Roma rights
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Croatia discriminated against Roma (Gypsy) school pupils by putting them in Roma-only ...

Guardian: Letters: EU has failed to protect the Roma's rights | World news |...

Letters: In Europe, the Roma issue is linked to difficult questions of ethnicity, race, social exclusion and political gamesmanship

Roma Rights, Nuclear Security and Gender Justice on the Agenda of...
Roma rights campaigner András Biró (Hungary), who founded the Hungarian Foundation for Self-Reliance. At 91, he is the oldest Right Livelihood Award Laureate in Europe; Environmentalist Birsel Lemke (Turkey), who was awarded in “for her long-standing struggle to protect her country from the devastation of cyanide-based gold mining”.

France's unwanted Roma - BBC News
Roma who have settled in France face systematic eviction and are never allowed to put down root, writes Henri Astier.

Clifford Chance chooses the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) as...
We have named the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) as the eighth winner of its annual Access to Justice Award. The organisation will ...

European Roma Rights Center Issues Report on Discrimination and Abuse...
The European Roma Rights Center released a report on September 12 describing the ongoing human rights abuses and marginalization suffered by Roma in Poland....

European Roma Rights Centre Wins Raoul Wallenberg Prize :: Civil...
The Budapest-based European Roma Rights Centre is recognised for successfully challenging discrimination, anti-Romani racism and rights ...

OPINION: As Jews, We should stand up for Roma rights | Jewish News
Daniel Macmillen draws similarities and shared experience between Jewish and Roma communities, and argues for stronger identification between them.

European Roma Rights Centre: Czech President's remarks were...
zpravodajsky server

Politics is key to better Roma rights: activist — | EU...
Roma need political representation if they are to combat the intolerance and rights abuses they still face in many European countries, a community leader said on Tuesday.

Sweden calls on European Commision to act on Roma rights —...
Sweden's government Friday called for the European Commission to act on the rights of Europe's Roma community, saying their situation was "alarming".

European watchdog blasts failure for Roma rights — |...
A European Union rights watchdog blasted a "year of failure" in fighting discrimination against gypsies, in a report marking International Roma Day.

Safeguard Roma rights, urges adviser
Ireland should use its presidency of the EU to ensure that the countries joining in May offer anti-discrimination measures to…

Abandoned Roma children fill Europe's orphanages: study —...
... Abandoned Roma children fill Europe's orphanages: study. Info. Abandoned Roma children fill Europe's ... the Budapest-based European Roma Rights ...

Roma rights group NEKI wants Air Transat to reimburse rejected...
A Roma rights group in Hungary is demanding several airlines, including Air Transat, pay back nearly 50 passengers it says were prevented from boarding flights...

The Politics of Roma Rights in Europe: A Cross-National Multilevel...
As disturbingly demonstrated by the many violations of Roma rights across multiple European countries, this paper argues that the ambition of the human rights ... // Thema: roma
The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC)

European Roma Rights Centre ·
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European Roma Rights Centre Film — Gecko Animation Ltd.
VFX and complex layering of stills and footage for this ERRC film

Roma Rights and the Next Generation: Alone and Together | Center for...
Doug Johnson, former CVT director, is mentioned in this article from Harvard FXB Center for Health and Human Rights.

Report on violations of Roma rights in Belarus sent to UN
Human rights activists have submitted to the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination an alternative report on the implementation...

Foresee training for professionals of the European Roma Rights Centre
Foresee training for professionals of the European Roma Rights Centre ... countires representing the European Roma Rights Centre on the 4th of August,

UN expert urges political action to promote Roma human rights, combat...
A United Nations rights expert has today called for strong and tangible political commitment to fight the bias and discrimination that continues to infringe...

Bush Foundation Welcomes Two Ron McKinley Philanthropy Fellows |...
We welcome newly selected Ron McKinley Philanthropy Fellows, Awale Osman and Kristell Caballero Saucedo, to the Foundation as Community Innovation Program...

Czech president defends assertion that most Roma don't work | Euronews
Czech NGO, Romea, called Zeman's remarks insulting. The European Roma Rights Centre in Budapest rejected his statements as racist.