Video Rural-Medical-Camp Person-Info 

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(1 - 4 von 34

VIDEO: Rural mobiles gap could prove fatal in emergency, warn...
NATIONAL: Rural and regional residents say poor mobile and emergency communications are putting lives at risk.

Unique Video Medical Interpreting System Helps St. John
Using LAN's innovative live video medical Interpretation technology known as Martti™ (My Accessible Real-Time Trusted Interpreter), SJPHS ...

AIA to cover video medical consultations | ITIJ
Insurer AIA Singapore announced it will cover the costs of 50,000 video medical consultations provided by digital healthcare provider WhiteCoat

Video Medical Interpretation Aids in Health Care Communication - HCO...
Patients now have access to state-of-the-art video medical interpretation (VMI) technology to assist them in successfully communicating with ...
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