News Seang Lin Tan

(1 - 16 von 19
) Vorsorge wegen Unfruchtbarkeit: Kanadierin spendet Eizellen für...

Ein Mädchen aus Kanada könnte einst Nachkommen gebären, die zugleich ihre biologischen Halbschwestern oder -brüder wären: Die dazu nötigen Spender-Eizellen hat...

BBC NEWS | Health | Girl could give birth to sibling
A Canadian mother has frozen her eggs for use by her daughter, who is likely to become infertile.

Corriere della Sera - E la mamma congelò gli ovuli per la figlia
Un anno fa Melanie ha contattato il professor Seang Lin Tan del McGill Reproductive Center a Montreal e le ha sottoposto il suo dilemma. Flavie, sette anni, è affetta dal morbo di Turner, una malattia che frena la sua crescita e che porta a una menopausa precocissima. Il professor Tan non ha detto di no ...

Canada mom freezes eggs so daughter can have child | Reuters
A Montreal woman has frozen her eggs so they can be used by her seven-year-old daughter, who cannot have children because of a genetic condition.

Guardian: Parliament should approve regulations for mitochondrial donation |...

Letters: As experts in this field, we consider the UK’s system for regulating advances in reproductive medicine to be among the world’s best. This benefits...

Mother's frozen eggs ensure daughter's fertility
The world's first mother-to-daughter egg donation, to help a child suffering from genetic disease, was announced yesterday.

Baijia International Group Signs Strategic Cooperation Framework...
Alan Xu, Chief Executive Officer of Baijia International Group and Dr. Seang Lin Tan, founder of OriginElle Fertility Clinic & Women's Health Centre signed on the agreement on behalf of each party respectively. Ms. Lin Qiuhua, Senior Vice-President of Baijia International Group was present at the signing ...

FOCUS: Fortpflanzungsmedizin: Schwanger durch die eigene Mutter - FOCUS...

In einigen Jahren könnte Flavie Boivin ihr eigenes Geschwisterchen zu Welt bringen. Weil Flavie unfruchtbar ist, hat ihre Mutter eigene Eizellen für sie...

Eizellenspende: Mutter friert Eizellen für siebenjährige Tochter ein...
... dieser Zellen so später einmal schwanger werden, sagte der behandelnde Gynäkologe Seang Lin Tan von der McGill Universität in Montréal ...

Angst vor Unfruchtbarkeit: Mutter friert Eizellen für Tochter ein
Eine Kanadierin hat ihre Eizellen einfrieren lassen, damit ihre kleine Tochter in Zukunft Kinder in die Welt setzen kann. Der Siebenjährigen droht wegen einer...

Unnatural selection: Is evolving reproductive technology ushering in...
In-vitro fertilization and genetic testing are increasingly used, including in Canada, by couples capable of conceiving naturally, to screen out not just...

Opinion: In Quebec, infertility is now a disease - The Globe and Mail
Demographics and politics go hand in hand. And pandering to the baby lobby is just one of the government's motives

First frozen egg baby born in Canada | EurekAlert!
A team led by Professor Seang Lin Tan, Director of the McGill Reproductive Centre at the MUHC in Montreal confirmed the birth of a healthy ...

Ottawa, Quebec fight for jurisdiction over fertility treatments › canada › montreal
... something Dr. Seang Lin Tan believes will occur sooner if the high court upholds an earlier legal decision in Quebec that found the federal ...

World fertility experts to meet in Montreal for a trio of symposia ::...
Longwoods publishes academic and scientific reports, commentary and information about healthcare and sciences. We explore ideas, share best practices and enable

In Quebec, infertility is now a disease
Red Ice Creations
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John Studd
Vorname "Seang" (3)
Name "Lin Tan" (17)