Shimon Shkury Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shimon Shkury)


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Here are the nominations for the Most Ingenious Deal of the Year...
In Harlem, brokers Shimon Shkury and Victor Sozio of Ariel Property Advisors were hired by developer Janus Property Group to identify an ...

Ariel Property Advisors Launches Landlord Dashboard & Comp-Trak System
Being a landlord in New York City just got a little easier. Ariel Property Advisors has introduced the Landlord Dashboard and Comp-Trak System on its website...

Ariel Property Advisors' Shimon Shkury Sheds Light On NYC's › press › ariel-property-advi...
< All Press. Ariel Property Advisors' Shimon Shkury Sheds Light On NYC's Multifamily Market. Matrix Blog. MORE AMORIN INFLUENCE (MAI): The AI National ...

Get inside Some of the Great Minds of the Manhattan Real Estate World...
... Speech Title: "Goals & Priorities"; 8. Shimon Shkury, Partner: Massey Knakal Realty Services, Speech Title: "Client Relations are Paramount";
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