Daniella Shreir Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniella Shreir)


(1 - 4 von 22

Agnès Varda, mother of French New Wave cinema, dead at CNN Style

Daniella Shreir, co-founder and editor of the feminist film journal Another Gaze, said Varda will be "remembered for her representation of ...

Filmcasino reanimiert Kino am Spittelberg - Radio Wien - ORF

— ... beispielsweise eine feministische Filmreihe, kuratiert von Daniella Shreir, Journalistin beim feministischen Filmmagazin „Another Gaze“. › news › stories

Guardian: My Mother Laughs by Chantal Akerman review – the film-maker's ...www.theguardian.com › books › nov › my-mother-...

· The account is sensitively rendered into English by Daniella Shreir (editor of the feminist film magazine Another Gaze), who was eager to ...

Daniella Shreir | The Independent

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