News Stuart Kuttner

(1 - 30 von 232
) Murdoch-Medienskandal: Brooks und Coulson erst vor Gericht

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - Die Hauptbeschuldigten müssen noch ein Jahr im Ungewissen ausharren: Die Journalistin Rebekah Brooks und Andy Coulson, der frühere Pressesprecher von Premier David Cameron, werden erst im Herbst vor Gericht stehen. 

Nick Davies Comes to America
[Adweek] - Then when the book came out in January '08, I was on BBC Radio talking about it, and they had a guy called Stuart Kuttner, then the managing editor of the News of the World—he was actually arrested just last week—and I said something in the interview

Guardian: Media Monkey's Diary

[The Guardian (blog)] - ✒A week after former News of the World managing editor Stuart Kuttner was arrested and later bailed by police investigating allegations of phone hacking and of bribing police officers to leak sensitive information, it seems timely to revisit an

International news digest for the week
[Business Standard] - London: Former managing editor of the News of the World, Stuart Kuttner, has been apprehended and later released on bail, marking the 11th arrest in the phone-hacking scandal at the now-defunct tabloid. New York: In the biggest ever series of cyber

Phone-hacking scandal spreads to the paper that broke the story
[Toronto Star] - Former NOTW managing editor Stuart Kuttner was arrested and briefly detained this week as part of the police investigation into phone hacking. The chairman of the parliamentary committee that questioned the Murdochs, John Whittingdale, said this week

No end to hacking's house of horrors
[ABC Online] - Tuesday saw police feel the eleventh News International collar, in the form of ex-managing editor Stuart Kuttner, who was arrested by appointment (what a bummer to jot that date down in the diary), then released later the same day without charge.

Google News: 【国际聚焦】北京时间8月4日中午12点更新

[希望之声国际广播电台] - 库特纳(Stuart Kuttner),在伦敦北部被捕,之后获得保释。警方表示, 71岁的库特纳涉嫌贿赂警察和窃听阴谋。2009年离职的库特纳,曾掌管报社财务,据信,负责向私人侦探支付所有窃听报酬。截至2号,传媒大亨默多克新闻集团

Google News: 【國際聚焦】北京時間8月4日中午12點更新

[希望之聲電台] - 庫特納(Stuart Kuttner),在倫敦北部被捕,之後獲得保釋。警方表示, 71歲的庫特納涉嫌賄賂警察和竊聽陰謀。2009年離職的庫特納,曾掌管報社財務,據信,負責向私人偵探支付所有竊聽報酬。截至2號,傳媒大亨默多克新聞集團旗下的英國報業中,涉嫌竊聽醜聞而遭逮捕的已

Jail, Arrests and Resignations in Britain's Hacking Scandal
[TIME (blog)] - 2, investigators arrested another former News International employee, Stuart Kuttner, the managing editor of the News of the World until The pace of developments may slow during the remainder of a summer that has proved unexpectedly torrid

Google News: 'Stuart Kuttner' released on bail until later this month

[Press Gazette] - By Dominic Ponsford Former managing editor of the News of the World Stuart Kuttner is understood to have been released on bail after being arrested and questioned yesterday by police investigating phone-hacking at the News of the World.

Арестован еще один экс-редактор News of the World
[] - В Лондоне арестован бывший управляющий редактор таблоида News of the World Стюарт Каттнер (Stuart Kuttner). Об этом сообщает The Daily Telegraph. 71-летний журналист прибыл к 11 часам утра вторника 2 августа в полицейский участок, чтобы ответить на

71-Jähriger in Abhörskandal um "News of the World" verhaftet
[] - Sky News, das zum Teil News Corp gehört, vermutet, dass es sich um den 71-jährigen Stuart Kuttner handelt, einen früheren Chefredakteur von News of the World, der das Blatt verlassen hatte. Ihm wird Korruption und Verschwörung zum Abhören von

Google News: telekulak skandalında yeni gözaltı

[Hürriyet] - İngiltere'de neden olduğu telekulak krizi nedeniyle geçen ay kapatılan News of the World gazetesinin eski baş editörü Stuart Kuttner, polisin yürüttüğü telekulak soruşturması kapsamında gözaltına alındı. 71 yaşındaki Kuttner, News of the World'ün cep

Guardian: Today's media stories from the papers

[The Guardian] - P14 Uri Geller is friends with ex-News of the World managing editor Stuart Kuttner. Diary P20 Charles Allen - brought in to shake up the Labour party - is friends with Richard Desmond. Diary P20 Australia to post refugee expulsions on YouTube as a

Former 'NOTW' Employees Detail System for Paying Sources
[Adweek] - On the heels of the arrest of former News of the World managing editor Stuart Kuttner, The New York Times has new details about the tabloid's cash payment system. According to the Times, which spoke to a number of former NOTW employees

Google News: Thêm cựu nhân viên của ông trùm Murdoch bị bắt

[Vietnam Plus] - của tỷ phú người Mỹ Rupert Murdoch, cảnh sát Anh đã bắt giữ thêm nghi phạm Stuart Kuttner, 71 tuổi, cựu quan chức tờ báo đã bị ngừng phát hành News of the World. Cảnh sát London cho biết ông Kuttner bị bắt giữ sáng 2/8 vì bị nghi ngờ liên quan đến vụ

News Corp.'s Code of Conduct
[Daily Beast] - That reprieve is coming to an end: hot on the heels of the Sara Payne hacking bombshell comes news that Stuart Kuttner, former managing editor of the News of the World, has been arrested on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications.

Google News: Murdoch apretó la tecla “suprimir”

[Página 12] - Según el matutino The Guardian, que destapó el escándalo, el personaje es un hombre clave de toda la trama: el ex editor operativo del periódico durante 22 años, Stuart Kuttner. Kuttner se añadió a una larga lista de arrestados y puestos en libertad

İngiltere'de telekulak davasında yeni gelişme
[euronews] - İngiltere'de kapatılan News of the World gazetesinin 22 yıl boyunca mali işlemlerini yürüten Stuart Kuttner, telekulak soruşturması kapsamında gözaltına alındı. İfadesi alınan Kuttner daha sonra tutuksuz yargılanmak üzere serbest bırakıldı.

Google News: 英警方逮捕一名世界新闻报编辑 涉嫌贿赂窃听

[搜狐] - 库特纳(Stuart Kuttner)。 英国警方今日以在鲁伯特?默多克旗下作为高管参与不法窃听行为逮捕了一名71岁的男子。由于还存在漏网之鱼,警方暂时不公开该人姓名,以免打草惊蛇。 经新闻集团确认,该男子为世界新闻报前任

Whistle-blower in Afghan killings reaches plea deal
[Bangor Daily News] - A 71-year-old man, named in media reports here as Stuart Kuttner, former managing editor of the News of the World, was arrested on charges of conspiracy to intercept communications and corruption when he voluntarily appeared for questioning at a

Google News: Policía británica hace nuevo arresto por escándalo de espionaje telefónico

[Pueblo en linea] - Un hombre no identificado, que se cree es el ex jefe de redacción del periódico News of the World, Stuart Kuttner, fue arrestado en una estación de policía donde acudió para responder preguntas de la policía esta mañana, informó el periódico The

Google News: Actualidad mundial exclusiva para radio y TV (4-Fin)

[Centro de Información por Internet de China] - Un hombre no identificado, que según Sky News podría ser el ex jefe de redacción del News of the World, Stuart Kuttner, fue arrestado en una estación de policía donde acudió para responder preguntas de la policía esta mañana.

Polisi Inggris Tahan Seorang Tersangka Lagi dalam Skandal Penyadapan Telepon
[VOA Indonesia] - Selasa, 02 Agustus Polisi Inggris Tahan Seorang Tersangka Lagi dalam Skandal Penyadapan Telepon Polisi menangkap Stuart Kuttner, 71 tahun, yang mengundurkan diri tahun dari jabatan pimpinan redaksi tabloid News of the World.

國際/英竊聽又逮1主管 砸派男蹲牢
[中央日報] - 嫌疑人據信為世界新聞報前執行編輯庫特納(Stuart Kuttner)。 警方表示,此嫌隨後交保,等待8月稍晚進一步接受偵訊。 自1月對竊聽案展開新一輪調查以來,警方到目前為止已逮捕11人,包括世界新聞報前總編輯柯爾遜(Andy Coulson),以及梅鐸報業英國分支—新聞國際

Ελεύθερος ο πρώην διευθυντής News of the World
[SigmaLive] - Ελεύθερος με εγγύηση αφέθηκε απόψε ο Stuart Kuttner, πρώην διευθυντής σύνταξης της εφημερίδας News of the World ο οποίος φέρεται να εμπλέκεται στο σκάνδαλο υποκλοπών που συγκλονίζει τον όμιλο του Rupert Murdock αλλά και τον πολιτικό κόσμο της Schaumangriff auf Rupert Murdoch: Komiker zu sechs Wochen Haft verurteilt

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Panorama] - Vor Gericht hatte der Brite Jonathan May-Bowles seine Schaumattacke auf den "Missetäter" Rupert Murdoch verteidigt. Jetzt steht fest: Wegen des Angriffs muss der Komiker ins Gefängnis. 

Barra informativa
[] - Stuart Kuttner, el exdirector gerente del dominical "News Of The World", fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza tras haber sido arrestado como sospechoso de corrupción por supuestos pagos indebidos a agentes policiales y de interceptación de comunicaciones

UPI NewsTrack TopNews
[] - The BBC said a 71-year-old man believed to be ex-NOTW managing editor Stuart Kuttner was arrested on suspicion of plotting to intercept communications and was being questioned at a north London police station. Kuttner was a longtime high-ranking

NZZ: Erneut Festnahme im britischen Abhörskandal

[NZZ Online] - Nach Recherchen des «Guardian» handelt es sich um einen ehemaligen leitenden Redaktor des inzwischen eingestellten Blatts «News of the World», Stuart Kuttner. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Abhörskandal in Grossbritannien hat die Londoner Polizei einen