News Tania Bruguera

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Taz: Kubas Regime fühlt sich provoziert: Kunstperformance mit Folgen -...

Das Motto des alle drei Jahre stattfindenden Kunstevents hat die international bekannte Performancekünstlerin Tania Bruguera wörtlich ...

Artist Tania Bruguera remains confined to Havana as regime ponders...
Artist Tania Bruguera, a 46 year old performance artist – and the first person to publicly test the tolerance level of the Cuban government following the...

NZZ: Keine Minute der Redefreiheit in Havanna | NZZ

Die diplomatischen Beziehungen mit den USA bringen keine politische Lockerung auf Kuba. Vorübergehende Festnahmen verhinderten einen Versuch, die Redefreiheit...

Por qué #YoTambienExijo que se nos escuche en Cuba | El HuffPost
Los cubanos están demandando el cumplimiento de sus derechos civiles, políticos, económicos y culturales. ¿Por qué? Porque no es posible hablar de futuro si no...

Guardian: Detained, grilled, denounced: Tania Bruguera on life in Cuba – and...

Whenever she leaves Cuba, the authorities tell her not to come back. What does the Cuban artist have in store for Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall? Will the mounted...

Die Künstlerin Tania Bruguera im Interview über Kuba - WELT
Tania Bruguera glaubt an die Revolution – aber anders als Raúl Castro. In Kuba wurde die Künstlerin daher monatelang drangsaliert. Jetzt ist sie in die USA...

Tania Bruguera - Rettung für den Sozialismus - Kultur -
Tania Bruguera gehört zu den bekanntesten Künstlerinnen Kubas - und zu denen, die die meisten Schwierigkeiten mit der Regierung von Raúl ...

Bilderstrecke zu: Analyse: Politisch explosiv, ästhetisch makellos -...
Tania Bruguera, Das Gewicht der SchuldFotografie einer Performance in Havanna

FOCUS: WIEN: Die Havanna-Connection - FOCUS Online

Der Kuba-Boom erobert die Kunsthallen: Die Schau „Landkarten der Sehnsucht“ zeigt die Insel ohne Revolutionsromantik documenta 11: Die Hot-List der Teilnehmer - DER SPIEGEL

Kurator Okwui Enwezor macht ein großes Geheimnis darum, welche Künstler vom 8. Juni bis 15. September in Kassel auf der 11. Documenta ausstellen werden. Die...

Guardian: Fourteen artists protest at Cuban artist Tania Bruguera's detention |...

Group of 14, including four Turner prize winners, condemns arrest and legal charges over free speech performance piece in Havana

Cuban artist Tania Bruguera took to the streets of Philadelphia | AL...
"Artivist" Tania Bruguera took part in the exhibition Person of the Crowd: The Contemporary Art of Flânerie, organized by The Barnes ...

"Das Verlassen des Museums birgt eine Chance" - WELT
Mehr als Marketing: Ein Gespräch mit dem Kurator der Frankfurter Schirn über die Aktion

Guardian: Tania Bruguera: the more the secret police torture me, the better my...

The performance artist was hounded in Cuba for an artwork championing free speech. Why did she end up thanking the secret police who surrounded her house, cut...

Artist Tania Bruguera detained in Cuba before performance, family...
Cuban performance artist Tania Bruguera was detained by authorities in Havana before a controversial planned performance, according to the artist's sister.

Kuba nimmt Organisatoren nach Kunstaktion fest - WELT
Eine spektakuläre Kunstaktion endet in Havanna für die Organisatoren in Haft – und zeigt den Kubanern, dass es mit der neu gewonnenen Freiheit nach dem Deal...

Dissident artist Tania Bruguera back in the U.S. after being detained...
Dissident artist Tania Bruguera back in the U.S. after eight months in Cuba.

From the Archives: On Tania Bruguera’s Provocative, Political Art, in...
In Tania Bruguera's installation Untitled (Havana 2000), newly situated in New York's Museum of Modern Art, viewers walk into a dark space ...

Implementing Arte Útil with Tania Bruguera | BAMPFA
Artist and activist Tania Bruguera discusses the concept of Arte Útil, or “useful art.” Bruguera is a politically motivated performance artist who ...

Morning Links: Tania Bruguera Edition -ARTnews
Tania Bruguera, Tatlin's Whisper #5, COURTESY TATE.

Cuban Performance Artist Tania Bruguera Speaks Out About Her Recent...
Over at the Los Angeles Times, Carolina A. Miranda (who has been a contributor to ARTnews) has an interview with artist Tania Bruguera, who ...

Enemy of the State? Artist Tania Bruguera's Arrest in Cuba | The...
The Cuban performance artist Tania Bruguera was arrested for disturbing the public order prior to staging a performance about free ...

Freed artist Tania Bruguera discussing legal action / ArtReview
Artist Tania Bruguera, who was one of the 50 activists detained by the Cuban government last week for campaigning for freedom of speech, has been released,...

Tania Bruguera: Phronesis - kunstaspekte
· Tania Bruguera: Phronesis Feb Mar whatsapp facebook twitter mail. Galeria Juana de Aizpuru, Madrid ° Barquillo Madrid. plan route show map. . artist / participant. Tania Bruguera only in german. Tania Bruguera Phronesis. imprint; privacy policy; contact; subscription info; login; find exhibitions in. top 50 cities ...

Roski Talks: Tania Bruguera | Roski School of Art and Design
January 24, pm-8pm Free and open to the public

Social Activist Tania Bruguera Brings Arte Útil to NYC
Tania Bruguera, Untitled (Havana, 2000), Video performance installation. Milled sugar cane, black and white monitor, Cubans, DVD disc, DVD player.

TRACTION: Art Talks with Tania Bruguera |
For over 25 years, Tania Bruguera has created socially-engaged performances and installations that examine the nature of political power ...