Kerstin Tews-Wischhöfer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kerstin Tews-Wischhöfer)


(1 - 4 von 9

Nach 40 Jahren im Vorstand verabschiedet -
Der Vorsitzende Gerhard Wecker mit Lorenz Rübbelke, Doris Schmidt, Sebastian Wiethoff, Kerstin Tews-Fleiter , Werner Ewers, Albert Meilwes ...

In the media: Wind and solar on the rise | Clean Energy Wire
In the media: Wind and solar on the rise A paper by Jan Beermann and Kerstin Tews at the Environmental Policy Research Centre at FU Berlin analyses the enabling ...

New FFU-Report by Dr. Kerstin Tews: "Mapping the Regulatory Features...
New FFU-Report by Dr. Kerstin Tews: "Mapping the Regulatory Features Underpinning Prosumer Activities in Germany" News from Jul 06, 2016

New Publication by Kerstin Tews and Colleagues from Norway and the UK...
Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg, Kerstin Tews and Britta Turner (2016): „Power from the People? Prosuming conditions for Germany, the UK and Norway.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Kerstin Tews-Wischhöfer
Kerstin Tews
Vorname "Kerstin" (39819)
Name "Tews-Wischhöfer" (1)
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