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Fact check: Trump's Fox News town hall peppered with false claims on...
President Donald Trump delivered another rapid series of false and misleading claims on Sunday night, this time at a Fox News "virtual town ...

Fox News anchors fail to challenge Trump as he misleads during...
Dale: Trump misled viewers in Fox News town hall. stelter camerota hoax intv. Stelter: Trump …d Fox News power vacuum after Ailes ...

TV tonight: President Trump takes questions in Fox News town hall...
TV tonight: President Trump takes questions in Fox News town hall special. Also, '60 Minutes' reports on the economic victims of coronavirus ...

Kasich, Cruz argue in Fox News town hall: Trump can't beat Clinton |...
Republican presidential rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich -- one waging a no-holds-barred stop-Trump campaign, the other battling to remain relevant into the GOP...
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