News Tina Beuchelt

(1 - 18 von 18

The Food Security Standard – addressing the Right to Food in...
Although more and more agricultural goods that are produced in food insecure countries are certified, most sustainability standards do not specially address...

Carbon labels - pitfalls for developing countries?Rural 21
Given the many possible pitfalls of carbon labels, alternatives to these labels should be also thought about. Tina Beuchelt Dr Detlef Virchow

The Food Security Standard – addressing the Right to Food in ...
الويب15 ربيع الأول بعد الهجرة · Dr Tina Beuchelt is Senior Researcher at the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn. Dr Liliana Gamba is Senior Project …

Sportlerball - Ostsee-Zeitung
الويب14 رمضان بعد الهجرة · Nadine Neddermeyers Freundin Tina Beuchelt aus Duvendiek war voll des Lobes für das leckere Essen, das vom Team des Braugasthauses um Chefkoch …

As bioenergy booms, certification schemes mus | EurekAlert!
· ... standards and certifications," by Anna Mohr, Tina Beuchelt, Rafaël Schneider and Detlef Virchow (doi: j.biombioe

BION HerbsttagungCrop Trust
— Dr. Tina Beuchelt. (Zentrum für. Entwicklungsforschung. ZEF, Universität Bonn) Biodiversity for Opportunities, Livelihoods and.

Food Security and Biomass Sustainability Certifications: Current …
الويبLecture by Dr. Tina Beuchelt Food Security and Biomass Sustainability Certifications: Current State, Potentials and Limits German Institute for Global and Area Studies | Leibniz …

Online-Ringvorlesung Aspekte der Erderwärmung
الويب18 جمادى الآخرة بعد الهجرة · Uni Bonn und Students for Future Bonnjeden Mittwoch, Uhr – youtube , Uhr: Tina Beuchelt In der Öffentlichen Ringvorlesung „Aspekte …

EventsDSSP Colombia
Photo: @ Tina Beuchelt, ZEF, a woman in a cotton field in Zambia. June 28, Women's Land Rights and Gender Transformative Practices.

Gender-based Violence and Rural Development Outcomes
Weitere Informationen. Veranstalter. Center for Development Research (ZEF). Kontakt. Dr. Tina Beuchelt. › gender-...

Cell phones talk agriculture in Hidalgo, MéxicoCIMMYT
— Investigating this recent trend's presence in Mexico, on June 26 a team of CIMMYT socioeconomists including Tina Beuchelt, Surabhi Mittal, ...

Herdenschutztag für Schafzüchter aus dem
— Verfügung: Monika Beckemper in Neunkirchen-Seelscheid ( ), Tina Beuchelt ( ) und Alexander Hemmen ( ) in

Der Klimakrise aktiv begegnen | myScience / news / wire
— Januar: Dr. Tina Beuchelt, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung, Universität Bonn: ,,Gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen der Klimakrise mit ... › ... › wire - kurze nachrichten

Global Forum on Food and Agriculture: FSS Expert Panel
— Senior Projects Coordinator Sustainability Standards, WWF Germany; Dr. Tina Beuchelt, Senior Researcher, Center for Development Research ... › veranstaltungen › glo...

Social and income trade-offs of conservation ag...
Tina D. Beuchelt, Carolina T. Camacho Villa, Lutz Göhring, Víctor M. Hernández Rodríguez, Jon Hellin, Kai Sonder , and Olaf Erenstein Social and income...

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