Polly Tootal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Polly Tootal)


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Transigent Polly Tootal e Yvonne Adamson - NonSoloCinema - Libero 24x7

Adamson lavora in connessione e in continuità con gli scatti di Tootal ed amplifica alcuni elementi delle strutture architettoniche focalizzandosi sui dettagli...

Les 10 finalistes du concours international de photographie à Hyères

Du 23 au 27 avril, le Festival International de Mode et de Photographie à Hyères promeut, comme tous les ans, la jeune création. Prenant la forme d'un...

Guardian: Empty Britain: portrait of a nation without any people – in pictures...

From rentakit housing estates to industrial wastelands and deserted roads, photographer Polly Tootal goes beyond picture postcards to capture less celebrated...

The man modernising the BBC: Lord Hall on his love of W1A and the...

At first glance, the office of Tony Hall presents a study in austere simplicity.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Polly Tootal
Evangelia Kranioti
Vorname "Polly" (644)
Name "Tootal" (1)
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