Sanjay Ujawane Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sanjay Ujawane)


(1 - 4 von 7

ACC's new campaign aims to inspire home builders, Marketing &...
ACC's new campaign has been created by Communications

82.5 Creates an Innovative Campaign for cement brand - ACC
ACC, the legendary cement brand, part of the Lafarge Holcim group, is ready to launch its new communication campaign targeting the Individual Home Builder .

Bisleri's 'One Nation. One Water' campaign celebrates its diversity,...
Bisleri had launched its labels in different languages to connect with people through their mother-tongue; this initiative led to the birth of the cam..

Nicotex launches an educational TVC to help smokers control the urge;...
Nicotex, smoking cessation brand, launched a new TV commercial for their Nicotine gum clearly demonstrating its scientific working action.
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