Kristina Vaksmaa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kristina Vaksmaa)


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Rendez-moi mon dû ! [Vidéo] - Yahoo Actualités
... les citoyens ne sont pas assez informés,” souligne la directrice du Centre européen des consommateurs en Estonie, Kristina Vaksmaa.

E-commerce catching on despite quirks
TALLINN - E-commerce in Estonia will continue to grow, business experts say, though a consumer advoc

Eestis on jalatsid kallimad kui Inglismaal » Turismiweb
Tarbijakaitseameti avalike suhete juhi Kristina Vaksmaa sõnul on jalatsitega seotud probleemid siiski ühed suuremad, millega tarbijakaitse ...

Is the EU small claims system working? | Euronews
Two of the authors of a recent report into the European Small Claims Procedure gave their views to Euronews reporter Seamus Kearney. Italian Federico
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Vorname "Kristina" (16143)
Name "Vaksmaa" (1)
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