Susan Veach-Erskine Person-Info 

( Ich bin Susan Veach-Erskine)


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Woman dies after blaze takes hold at farm’s office building | Oxford...
A WOMAN died yesterday after a fire broke out in an office on a farm near Faringdon.

Britain's oldest couple celebrate 75 years of marriage - Mirror Online
THEY fell in love at first sight barely aged 21 and after cele-brating 75 years of marriage on New Year’s Day, Robert and Susan Erskine have become ­Britain’s...

'Oldest couple' celebrate anniversary together again | HeraldScotland
But this year marks an amazing milestone for Robert and Susan Erskine whose 78th anniversary is thought to have earned them the accolade of UK's…

Couple celebrate 75 years of marriage | The Scotsman
A SCOTTISH couple have celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Susan Veach-Erskine
Vorname "Susan" (16214)
Name "Veach-Erskine" (1)
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