Jan Vezikov Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jan Vezikov)


Panel shares about making a global impact in North America • Biblical...

Jan Vezikov and his family emigrated from Estonia to Rhode Island in A few years later his father planted a church in Rhode Island.

N.E. Baptists see baptism increase • Biblical Recorder

Pastor Jan Vezikov received the Robert H. Brindle award for church planting. Since arriving in Boston five years ago, Vezikov has started three ...

Vets hands Cranston East their first loss; Hendricken on the road to...

By MATTHEW FRANK, JOE HATTON and DAVE CURTISThe Hawks, Canes and Pats were in action this past Wednesday and Thursday nights, gearing up for the states with...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Jan Vezikov
Vorname "Jan" (55034)
Name "Vezikov" (1)
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