News Vivian Pogenberg

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DESY News: Röntgenanalyse enthüllt Hauptschalter mit wichtiger Rolle...
Bild: Vivian Pogenberg/EMBL Hamburg. Mit dem Röntgenblick von DESYs Forschungslichtquelle DORIS haben Forscher aus Hamburg und Island die Struktur eines ... › news_suche › index_ger

Learning from the linker: New study sheds light on cellular ...
— Credit: EMBL/Vivian Pogenberg. Mature cells can be reprogrammed to pluripotency and thus regain the ability to divide and differentiate into ... › news ›

Röntgenanalyse enthüllt zentralen Schalter mit wichtiger Rolle ...
— Vivian Pogenberg, EMBL Hamburg. Struktur des Mikrophthalmie-assoziierten Transkriptionsfaktors MITF. Deutlich erkennbar ist der neu ... › news › roentgenanal...

Weather forecasting technology used to predict where ...
— ... Sílvia Gomes, Vivian Pogenberg, Nina A Bonekamp, Daniela Ribeiro, Matthias Wilmanns, Gregory Jedd, Markus slinger and Michael Schrader. › research

X-ray analysis deciphers master regulator important for skin cancer
· "Our data could provide a rational basis for the development of tailor-made drugs targeting MITF", explains first author Vivian Pogenberg from ...

X-ray analysis deciphers master regulator imp | EurekAlert!
— ... explains first author Vivian Pogenberg from the Hamburg branch of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). › news-...