Think Vms Person-Info 

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(1 - 4 von 12

OpenVMS taken out back, single gunshot heard – OSnews
I still think VMS was the best OS. Linux is no alternative to VMS, it is fundamentally different.

The OS World’s Best-kept Secret? – OSnews
Someone also said in the comments that it is "propietary" in terms of hardware. So just how stable do you think VMS would be, ...

Dual Booting Mac and Windows - Discuss Scratch
I don't think VMs follows the EULA either - I heard once that it's allowed to run Snow Leopard (Mac OS 10.6) Server in a VM, but I thought that ...

First Release of LibreSSL Portable Is Available - Slashdot
ConstantineM writes: It has finally happened. Bob Beck of The OpenBSD Foundation has just announced that the first release of LibreSSL portable is now...
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